Items where Type is "Monograph" and Year is 2005
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Number of items: 39.
Balabanova, D;
Tsolova, S;
Delcheva, E;
Konstantinova, T;
Analysis of hospital reform policy in Bulgaria. Final Report.
Technical Report.
Prepared for the British Academy, South East Europe Joint Projects.
Full text not available from this repository.
Barnett, T;
The implications of early detection of HIV: some speculations about cost savings that might have resulted from early detection of HIV-1.
Technical Report.
Department of Trade and Industry, London, UK.
Full text not available from this repository.
Baschieri, A;
Falkingham, J;
Grant, G;
Are the Poor Missing out in the Achievement of the MDGs?
Technical Report.
Reaching the Very Poorest Team, Policy Division, DFID, London.
Full text not available from this repository.
Baschieri, A;
Falkingham, J;
Harfoot, A;
Murdock, A;
Hutton, G;
Socio-economic Atlas of Tajikistan.
Technical Report.
The World Bank, Washington D.C.
Becerra-Posada, F;
Berwick, D;
Bhutta, Z;
Chowdhury, M;
de Savigny, D;
Haines, A;
Hyder, A;
Lavis, J;
Lumbiganon, P;
Mills, A;
+6 more...
Mshinda, H;
Narayan, R;
Oxman, A;
Sanders, D;
Tomson, G;
Victora, C;
The Millennium Development Goals will not be attained without new research addressing health system constraints to delivering effective interventions: Report of the Task Force on Health Systems Research.
Technical Report.
Berridge, V;
Temperance: Its History and Impact on Current and Future Alcohol Policy.
Technical Report.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation, London.
Bertinato, L;
Busse, R;
Fahy, N;
Legido-Quigley, H;
McKee, M;
Palm, W;
Passarani, I;
Ronfini, F;
Policy Brief: Cross-Border Health Care in Europe.
Technical Report.
World Health Organization
on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.
Full text not available from this repository.
Bornemisza, O;
Linking Security to Development and Implications for Fragile States.
Technical Report.
Nuffield Trust, London.
Full text not available from this repository.
Cairncross, S;
Evaluation of the dracunculiasis surveillance system in 4 districts in Ghana.
Technical Report.
Carneiro, I;
Roca-Feltrer, A;
Schellenberg, JA;
Estimates of the burden of malaria morbidity in Africa in children under the age of fives years (2005).
Technical Report.
Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group Working Paper.
Full text not available from this repository.
Cowie, HA;
Creely, K;
Miller, BG;
Ahern, M;
Fletcher, T;
Armstrong, B;
Feasibility study into the establishment of a retrospective cohort study in the British semiconductor industry.
Technical Report.
Health and Safety Executive Research Report 384.
Full text not available from this repository.
Dodds, C;
Keogh, P;
Hickson, F;
It Makes Me Sick: Heterosexism, homophobia and the health of gay and bisexual men.
Technical Report.
Sigma Research, London.
Dodds, C;
Weatherburn, P;
Hickson, F;
Keogh, P;
Nutland, W;
Grievous harm: use of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 for sexual transmission of HIV.
Project Report.
Sigma Research.
Dodds, C;
Weatherburn, P;
Keogh, P;
Hickson, F;
Nutland, W;
Grevious harm: Use of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 for sexual transmission of HIV.
Technical Report.
Sigma Research, London.
Durand, M;
Lelliott, P;
Coyle, N;
The availability of treatment for addictions in medium secure psychiatric in-patient services. Final Report to the Department of Health.
Technical Report.
Royal College of Psychiatrists Research and Training Unit, London.
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Durand, M;
Lelliott, P;
Crome, I;
Coyle, N;
The Addiction Psychiatry Services Project: A study of the number, roles, responsibilities and activities of specialist addiction psychiatrists in England. Final Report to the Department of Health.
Technical Report.
Royal College of Psychiatrists Research and Training Unit, London.
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Floyd, S;
Marston, M;
Hosegood, V;
Scholten, F;
Zaba, B;
HIV and orphanhood: report on collaborative study prepared for UNICEF.
Technical Report.
Full text not available from this repository.
Gilbert, C;
Raman, U;
Francis, V;
World Blindness and its Prevention VISION2020 the Right to Sight. Volume 7.
Technical Report.
IAPB, International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness.
Full text not available from this repository.
Gilson, L;
Erasmus, E;
Supporting the retention of HRH: SADC Policy Context: Paper prepared for EQUINET/Health Systems Trust.
Technical Report.
Health Systems Trust.
Full text not available from this repository.
Gray, A;
Landsdown, M;
Hargraves, C;
Cullinane, M;
Tsang, C;
Smith, N;
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: A service in need of surgery? A report of the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death.
Technical Report.
NCEPOD, London.
Haines, A;
Report of the Task Force on Health Systems Research to the WHO Advisory Committee on Health Research.
Technical Report.
World Health Organization. Advisory Committee on Health Research.
Full text not available from this repository.
Hossain, M;
Zimmerman, C;
Hawkes, S;
Watts, C;
Recommendations for the Reproductive & Sexual Health Care of Trafficked Women in Ukraine: Focus on STI/RTI Care.
Technical Report.
International Organization for Migration (IOM), Kiev, Ukraine.
Kuhn, K;
Campbell-Lendrum, D;
Haines, A;
Cox, J;
Using climate to predict infectious disease epidemics.
Technical Report.
World Health Organization, Geneva.
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Legido-Quigley, H;
McKee, M;
Nolte, E;
Quality of Care, Patient Orientation, Information to Patients and Professionals.
Technical Report.
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London.
Full text not available from this repository.
MacGregor, S;
Messages and findings from the Department of Health drugs misuse research initiative: final overview report.
Technical Report.
Taylor & Francis, London.
Item availability may be restricted.
Mays, N;
Pope, C;
Popay, J;
Details of approaches to synthesis – a methodological appendix to the paper: systematically reviewing qualitative and quantitative evidence to inform management and policy making in the health field.
Technical Report.
Canadian Health Services Research Foundation/NHS Service Delivery and Organisation R&D Programme, Ottawa, Canada / London, UK.
McIntyre, D;
Gilson, L;
Mutyambizi, V;
Promoting equitable health care financing in the African context: current challenges and future prospects.
Technical Report.
Health Economics Unit/Centre for Health Policy,, Cape Town/Johannesburg.
Milner, JT;
Dimitroulopoulou, C;
Apsimon, HM;
Indoor concentrations in buildings from sources outdoors.
Technical Report.
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Mulligan, J;
Morel, C;
Mills, A;
The Cost-Effectiveness of Malaria Control Interventions.
Technical Report.
Fogarty International Centre, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
Peckham, S;
Exworthy, M;
Powell, M;
Greener, I;
Decentralisation, centralisation and devolution in publicly funded health services: decentralisation as an organisational model for health-care in England.
Technical Report.
Pulle, S., Lubega, J., Davidson, O., Chinouya, M;
Doing it well: Good practice guide for choosing and implementing community based HIV prevention interventions with African communities in England.
Technical Report.
African HIV Policy Network and NAHIP, London.
Full text not available from this repository.
Rafferty, A;
Maben, J;
West, E;
What makes a good employer?
Technical Report.
International Council of Nurses, Geneva.
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Sautkina, E;
Amador, S;
Castano, C;
Casal, A;
Koutaba, M;
Étude du lien socio-environnemental: distinction sociale et conduites d’incivilité dans les espaces commerciaux ouverts au public (gares de la SNCF, bureaux de poste, Galeries Lafayette) [A study of socio-environmental link: social distinction and incivilities in places of business open to the public (SNCF railway stations, french post offices, Galeries Lafayette)].
Technical Report.
Laboratoire de Psychologie Environnementale CNRS UMR 8069, Université Paris Descartes, Paris.
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Thomas, S;
Mooney, G;
Mbatsha, S;
Mubangizi, D;
Khumalo, G;
Chitha, W;
Gilson, L;
Okorafor, O;
Building MESH Infrastructure to Support Equity and Efficiency in Primary Health Care. Report prepared for: National Department of Health and DANIDA.
Technical Report.
Health Economics Unit, Cape Town.
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Todorova, I;
Balabanova, D;
Panayotova, Y;
Alexandrova, A;
Bradley, J;
Psychosocial and health systems dimensions of cervical cancer screening in Bulgaria and Romania. Final report.
Technical Report.
Prepared for Engenderheatlh, New York, USA, March 2005,.
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Tuan, T;
Harpham, T;
Huong, N;
de Silva, M;
Measuring social capital and mental health in Vietnam: a validity study.
Technical Report.
Full text not available from this repository.
Weatherburn, P;
Reid, D;
Hickson, F;
Hammond, G;
Stephens, M;
Risk and reflexion: findings from the United Kingdom Gay Men's Sex Survey 2004.
Technical Report.
Sigma Research, London.
Webster, J;
Lines, J;
Smith, L;
Protecting all pregnant women and children under five years living in malaria endemic areas in Africa with insecticide treated mosquito nets. Report for the Roll Back Malaria Department.
Technical Report.
WHO, Geneva.
van Ginneken, NH;
Rapport d’évaluation du projet cases de santé au Sénégal de l’ASDI et Sankana.
Technical Report.
Sankana, Paris.
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