Items where Type is "Book Section" and Year is 2005
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Number of items: 106.
Abramov, VM;
Vasiliev, AM;
Vasilenko, RN;
Nataly, L;
Kulikova, NL;
Khlebnikov, VS;
Kosarev, IV;
Karlyshev, AV;
Tereshin, SN;
Khodyakova, AV;
+2 more...
Anisimov, AP;
Uversky, VN;
Protein Structures Kaleidoscope of Structural Properties and Functions.
In: Uversky, V. N, (ed.)
Structural base of the polyfunctional role of Caf1 protein and Caf1M chaperone in providing Yersinia pestis circulation in ecological systems of natural plague foci.
Transworld Research Network, Kerala, India, pp. 373-404.
ISBN 81-7736-177-5
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Allan, R;
Howard, N;
Lines, J;
MacDonald, M;
Maes, P;
Mnzava, A;
Nkuni, J;
Renshaw, M;
Rowland, M;
In: WorldHealthOrganization, (ed.)
Malaria Control in Complex Emergencies: an interagency field handbook.
World Health Organization.
ISBN 924159389X
Anderson, R;
Fraser, C;
Ghani, A;
Donnelly, C;
Riley, S;
Ferguson, N;
Leung, G;
Lam, T;
Hedley, A;
Epidemiology, transmission dynamics and control of SARS: the 2002-2003 epidemic.
In: McLean, A; May, R; Pattison, J; Weiss, R, (eds.)
SARS: A case study in emerging infections.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
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Anderson, SC;
Drug Regulation and the Welfare State: Government, the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Health Professions in Great Britain 1940 to 1980.
In: Berridge, VS; Loughlin, K, (eds.)
Medicine, the Market and the Mass Media: Producing Health in the Twentieth Century.
Routledge, London, pp. 192-217.
ISBN 0415304326
Full text not available from this repository.
Angbalu, J;
Bosman, A;
Chang, M;
Das, A;
Hamade, P;
Howard, N;
Mohammoud, J;
Olumese, P;
Case management.
In: Ballance, S, (ed.)
Malaria Control in Complex Emergencies: an interagency field handbook.
World Health Organization.
ISBN 924159389X
Barrett, G;
Coleman, MP;
Ethical and political issues in the conduct of research.
In: Bowling, A; Ebrahim, S, (eds.)
Handbook of health research methods: investigation, measurement and analysis.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 555-583.
Full text not available from this repository.
Blouin, C;
Lethridge, J;
Singh, D;
Smith, R;
Warner, D;
Trade in health services under the four modes of supply: a review of current trends and policy issues.
In: Blouin, C; Drager, N; Smith, RD, (eds.)
Trade in Health Services, developing countries and the GATS.
World Bank.
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Brewster, D;
Møller, H;
In: Quinn, M; Wood, H; Cooper, N; Rowan, S, (eds.)
Cancer Atlas of the United Kingdom and Ireland 1991-2000.
Office for National Statistics, London, pp. 111-7.
Full text not available from this repository.
Buisson, Y;
Koeck, JL;
Nicand, E;
Rodier, G;
Heymann, D;
Ryan, M;
Kindhauser, MK;
Moutou, F;
Mamuguerra, JC;
Alonso, JM;
+3 more...
Marchal, G;
Guillemot, D;
Simondon, F;
De quelles armes disposons nous aujourd'hui face aux épidémies?
In: RodhainJF; SaluzzoJF, (eds.)
Le mystère des épidémies: grippe, rage, méningite, sras.
Paris: Editions Pasteur, Monde, France, pp. 163-278.
ISBN 9782847341478
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Cappuccio, F;
Gomez, G;
Lifestyle modifications and value of nondrug therapy.
In: Battegay, E; Bakris, GL; Lip, GYH, (eds.)
Hypertension: principles and practice.
Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, pp. 383-403.
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Carpenter, JR;
The Bootstrap.
In: Everitt, B; Palmer, C, (eds.)
Encyclopaedic Companion to Medical Statistics.
Hodder & Stoughton, London.
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Carpenter, JR;
The Jackknife.
In: Everitt, B; Palmer, C, (eds.)
Encyclopaedic Companion to Medical Statistics.
Hodder & Stoughton, London.
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Carpenter, JR;
Multilevel Models.
In: Everitt, B; Palmer, C, (eds.)
Encyclopaedic Companion to Medical Statistics.
Hodder & Stoughton, London.
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Chanda, R;
Smith, R;
Trade in health services and GATS: a framework for policy makers.
In: Blouin, C; Drager, N; Smith, RD, (eds.)
Trade in Health Services, developing countries and the GATS.
World Bank.
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Cheung, YB;
Growth in early life is associated with stress symptoms in adults.
In: Oxington, KV, (ed.)
Stress and Health: New Research.
Nova, New York, pp. 81-102.
Full text not available from this repository.
Clarke, L;
Evandrou, M;
Family and Economic roles.
In: AlanWalkerandCatherineHenessey, (ed.)
Growing Older: Approahes to Quality of Life in Context.
Open University Press.
Full text not available from this repository.
Cleland, J;
Maharaj, P;
Power over Reproductive health Decisions: Relative Roles of Husbands and Wives in Eastern and Southern Africa.
In: Donta, B; Vogelsong, KM; Van Look, PFA; Puri, CP, (eds.)
Enhancing Male Partnerhsip in Sexual and Reproductive Health.
National Institue for Research in Reproductive Health, Indian Council of Medical Resaerch, jehangir Merwanji Street, Parel, Mumbai 400012, India, pp. 325-335.
Full text not available from this repository.
Collin, J;
Lee, K;
Bissell, K;
Negotiating the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: The Politics of Global Health Governance.
In: Wilkinson, R; Murphy, C, (eds.)
Global Governance: A Reader.
Routledge, London, UK, pp. 252-273.
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Costa, JG;
Rodrigues, LC;
Santos, AC;
Barreto, ML;
Decision analysis of strategies to deal with non-complacience with TB treatment.
In: Roberts, J, (ed.)
The Economics of Infectious Disease.
Oxford University Press, London, Chap. 7.
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Cox, F;
Classification and introduction to the parasitic protozoa.
In: D, Cox FE:, WakelinD; GillespieS; Despommier, (eds.)
Topley and Wilson's Microbiology and Microbial Infections' 10th edition Vol 6, Parasitology.
Hodder Headline, London, pp. 186-199.
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Cox, F;
History of human parasitology.
In: D, Cox FE:, WakelinD; GillespieS; Despommier, (eds.)
Topley and Wilson's Microbiology and Microbial Infections' 10th edition Vol 6, Parasitology.
Hodder Headline, pp. 3-23.
Full text not available from this repository.
Cox, F;
Wakelin, D;
Immunology and immunopathology of human parasitic infections.
In: D, Cox FE:, WakelinD; GillespieS; Despommier, (eds.)
Topley and Wilson's Microbiology and Microbial Infections' 10th edition Vol 6, Parasitology.
67-102, London.
Full text not available from this repository.
Cox, F;
Wakelin, D;
Gillespie, S;
Despommier, D;
In: Cox, FE; Wakelin, D; Gillespie, S; Despommier, D, (eds.)
Topley and Wilson's Microbiology and Microbial Infections, 10th ed., Vol 6. Parasitology.
Hodder Headline.
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Cox, J;
Vreysen, MJB;
Use of GIS and spatial analysis in AW-IPM progarmmes that integrate the sterile insect technique.
In: Dyck, VA, (ed.)
The Sterile Insect Technique Principles and Practice in Areawide Integrated Pest Management.
Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 453-477.
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Cox, S;
Energy metabolism.
In: Caballero, B; Allen, L; Prentice, A, (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition.
Elsevier, pp. 106-115.
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Curtis, CF;
Review of previous applications of genetics to vector control.
In: Knols, BGJ; Louis, C, (eds.)
Bridging laboratory and field research for genetic control of disease vectors.
Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 33-43.
ISBN 978-1-4020-3800-6
Full text not available from this repository.
Devlin, N;
Mays, N;
New Zealand.
In: Maynard, A, (ed.)
The public-private mix for health: central or irrelevant for public policy?
Radcliffe Publishing/The Nuffield Trust,, Abingdon, pp. 219-246.
Dorrell, N;
Champion, OL;
Wren, BW;
Advances in Campylobacter jejuni comparative genomics through whole genome DNA microarrays.
In: Ketley, JM; Konkel, M, (eds.)
Current status of Campylobacter jejuni.
Horizon Bioscience, Norfolk, pp. 79-100.
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Dowler, E;
Green, J;
Gasperoni, C;
Assessing public perception: issues and methods.
In: DoraC, (ed.)
Health, hazards and public debate: lessons from BSE/CJD saga.
WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen.
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Draper, A;
Green, J;
Dowler, E;
Risk and trust: determinants of public perceptions.
In: DoraC, (ed.)
Health, hazards and public debate: lessons from BSE/CJD saga.
WHO Office for Europe, Copenhagen.
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Dubois, CA;
Dixon, A;
McKee, M;
Reshaping the regulation of the workforce in European health care systems.
In: Dubois, CA; McKee, M; Nolte, E, (eds.)
Human resources for health in Europe.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 173-192.
ISBN 0 335 21855 5
Dubois, CA;
McKee, M;
Nolte, E;
Analysing trends, opportunities and challenges.
In: Dubois, CA; McKee, M; Nolte, E, (eds.)
Human resources for health in Europe.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 15-40.
ISBN 0 335 21855 5
Full text not available from this repository.
Dubois, CA;
McKee, M;
Nolte, E;
Moving forward: building a strategic framework for the development of the health care workforce.
In: Dubois, CA; McKee, M; Nolte, E, (eds.)
Human resources for health in Europe.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 235-240.
ISBN 0 335 21855 5
Full text not available from this repository.
Dubois, CA;
Nolte, E;
McKee, M;
Human resources for health in Europe.
In: Dubois, CA; McKee, M; Nolte, E, (eds.)
Human resources for health in Europe.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 1-14.
ISBN 0 335 21855 5
Full text not available from this repository.
de Souza, J;
Immunization of experimental animals.
Nature Encyclopaedia of Life Sciences.
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Full text not available from this repository.
dos Santos Silva, I;
Jones, M;
Malveiro, F;
Long-term follow-up of the Portuguese Thorotrast study.
In: Paretzke, HG, (ed.)
In: Health Effects of Incorporated Radionuclides (HEIR 2004) - Emphasis on Radium, Thorium, Uranium and Their Daughter Products.
GSF - Forschungszentrum, Neuherberg, Germany.
Full text not available from this repository.
Elbourne, D;
Gough, D;
Fit for purpose: appropriate methods to provide evidence to inform potential users of research in education, with special references to randomised controlled trials and systematic research synthesis.
In: Bennett, J; Holman, J; Millar, R; Waddington, D, (eds.)
Making a difference: Evaluation as a tool for improving science education.
Waxmann Verlag GMBH, Munster, pp. 33-47.
ISBN 383091508X
Full text not available from this repository.
Fox-Rushby, J;
Johnson, K;
Mwanza, I;
Amuyunzu, M;
Allen, T;
Parker, M;
Language and culture: moving between theory and practice in cross-cultural research.
In: Lenderking, W; Revicki, D, (eds.)
Advances in health outcomes, research methods and clinical applications.
Kluwer Academic Press, Netherlands, pp. 231-248.
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Gayer, M;
Golaz, A;
Howard, N;
Schilperoord, M;
In: Ballance, S, (ed.)
Malaria Control in Complex Emergencies: an interagency field manual.
World Health Organization, pp. 1-13.
ISBN 924159389X
Ghattas, H;
Infection: Nutritional Interactions.
In: Caballero, B; Allen, LH; Prentice, AM, (eds.)
Encylcopedia of Human Nutrition.
Elsevier Ltd, pp. 47-54.
Full text not available from this repository.
Gilbert, C;
Awan, H;
Blinding eye diseases of childhood in developing countries.
In: Taylor, D; Hoyt, C, (eds.)
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.
Elsevier Saunders.
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Gobrecht, J;
Smith, R;
Drager, N;
Measuring trade in health services.
In: Blouin, C; Drager, N; Smith, RD, (eds.)
Trade in Health Services, developing countries and the GATS.
World Bank.
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Gorsky, M;
Harris, B;
The measurement of morbidity in interwar Britain:evidence from the Hampshire Friendly Society.
In: Borowy, I; Gruner, WD, (eds.)
Facing Illness in Troubled Times. Health in Europe in the Interwar Years, 1918 - 1939,.
Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 129-63.
ISBN 0-8204-6542-9
Full text not available from this repository.
Greenwood, B;
Practical aspects of phase 3 vaccine trials in developing countries.
In: Kaufman, SHE; Lambert, P-, H, (eds.)
The Grand Challenge for the Future.
Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, pp. 249-265.
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Gutierrez, J;
Bautista, S;
Gertler, P;
Hernandez-Avila, M;
Bertozzi, SM;
Impacto de Oportunidades en la morbilidad y el estado de salud de la población beneficiaria y en la utilización de los servicios de salud. Resultados de corto plazo en zonas urbanas y de mediano plazo en zonas rurales.
In: Hernandez-Prado, B; Hernandez-Avila, M, (eds.)
Evaluación externa de impacto del Programa Oportunidades 2004.
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Haacker, M;
The ICT Sector and the Global Economy: Counting the Gains.
In: López-Claros, A; Paua, F; Dutta, S; Lanvin, B, (eds.)
The Global Information Technology Report 2004-2005: efficiency in an increasingly connected world.
Palgrave Macmillan (for World Economic Forum), Basingstoke.
ISBN 978-1-4039-4800-7
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Haines, A;
Task Force on Health Systems Research: a research agenda to help attain the MDGs.
In: Matlin, S, (ed.)
Global Forum Update on Research for Health.
Pro-brook Publishing Limited.
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Heymann, DL;
Dealing with global infectious disease emergencies.
In: GunnSWA; Mansourian, PB, (eds.)
Understanding the Global Dimensions of Health.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, pp. 179-182.
ISBN 9780387241029
Full text not available from this repository.
Heymann, DL;
The International response to the outbreak of SARS, 2003.
In: McLean, A; May, R; Pattison, J; Weiss, R, (eds.)
SARS: A case study in emerging infections.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 92-95.
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Hotez, PJ;
Arora, S;
Bethony, J;
Bottazzi, ME;
Loukas, A;
Brooker, S;
Helminth infections of children: prospects for control.
In: Pollard, AJ; Finn, A, (eds.)
Hot Topics in Infection and Immunity: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology.
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 135-144.
Full text not available from this repository.
Hurtig, A;
Porter, JDH;
Ogden, JA;
Tuberculosis control and directly observed therapy from the Public Health/Human Rights perspective.
In: Groding, M; Anna, G; Marks, S; Gruskin, S, (eds.)
Emerging Issues in Health and Human Rights.
Routledge, London, pp. 413-426.
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Karlyshev, AV;
Joshua, GWP;
Champion, OL;
Wren, BW;
Polysaccharide capsule of Campylobacter jejuni.
In: Ketley, JM; Konkel, M, (eds.)
Current status of Campylobacter jejuni.
Horizon Bioscience, Norfolk, pp. 249-258.
Full text not available from this repository.
Kelly, JM;
Taylor, MC;
Wilkinson, SR;
Trypanosoma cruzi.
In: Fuchs, J; Podda, M; Goethe, JW, (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Diagnostic Genomics and Proteomics.
Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA, pp. 1297-1301.
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Kenward, MG;
Cross-over designs.
In: BEverittandDHowell, (ed.)
The Encyclopedia of Behavioural Sciences.
Wiley, Chichester., pp. 451-452.
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Klassen, W;
Curtis, CF;
History of the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT).
In: Dyck, VA; Hendrichs, L; Robinson, AS, (eds.)
The Sterile Insect Technique: Principles and Practice in Area-wide Integrated Pest Management.
Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 3-36.
Full text not available from this repository.
Kovats, RS;
Koppe, C;
Heatwaves past and future impacts on health.
In: Ebi, K; Smith, J; Burton, I, (eds.)
Integration of Public Health with Adaptation to Climate Change: Lessons learned and New Directions.
Taylor & Francis Group, Lisse, The Netherlands, pp. 136-160.
Full text not available from this repository.
Kuper, H;
Marmot, M;
Hemingway, H;
Systematic review of prospective cohort studies of psychosocial factors in the aetiology and prognosis of coronary heart disease.
In: Marmot, M; Elliot, P, (eds.)
Coronary Heart Disease Epidemiology.
Oxford University Press, pp. 363-413.
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Lee, K;
Global social change and health.
In: Lee, K; Collin, J, (eds.)
Global Change and Health.
Open University Press, Milton Keynes.
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Lee, K;
Introduction to Global Health.
In: Lee, K; Collin, J, (eds.)
Global Change and Health.
Open University Press, Milton Keynes.
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Lee, K;
In: Goodman, J; Norton, M; Parascandola, M, (eds.)
Tobacco: Scribner's Turning Points in History Series.
Charles Scribner's Sons, Farmington Hills, MI.
Full text not available from this repository.
Lee, K;
An introduction to the global economy.
In: Lee, K; Collin, J, (eds.)
Global Change and Health.
Open University Press, Milton Keynes.
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Lee, K;
Drager, N;
The World Trade Organization and Public Health.
In: Lee, K; Collin, J, (eds.)
Global Change and Health.
Open University Press, Milton Keynes.
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Lee, K;
Yach, D;
Globalization and Health.
In: Merson, M; Black, R; Mills, A, (eds.)
International Public Health: Diseases, Programs, Systems and Policies.
Jones & Bartlett, New York, Chapter 15.
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Leung, G;
Hedley, T;
Lam, T;
Ghani, A;
Donnelly, C;
Fraser, C;
Riley, S;
Ferguson, N;
Anderson, R;
Transmission dynamics and control of the viral aetiological agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
In: Peiris, M; Anderson, L; Osterhaus, A; Stohr, K; Yuen, K, (eds.)
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: A Clinical Guide.
Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
Full text not available from this repository.
Lewis, S;
Davey Smith, G;
Ebrahim, S;
Genetics, health and health care research.
In: Bowling, A; Ebrahim, S, (eds.)
Handbook of health research Investigation, measurement and analysis.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 445-470.
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Lokrantz, B;
Rechel, B;
Data on HIV in Eastern and Central Europe - fact or fiction?
In: Matic, S; Lazarus, J; Donoghoe, M, (eds.)
HIV/AIDS in Europe Twenty-five Years On.
WHO Europe, Copenhagen, pp. 232-242.
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Loughlin, K;
Networks of mass communication: reporting science, health and medicine in the 1950s and 60s.
In: Berridge, V, (ed.)
Making health policy: networks in research and policy after 1945.
Rodopi, pp. 295-322.
ISBN 9042018240
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Loughlin, K;
Publicity as policy: the changing role of press and public relations at the BMA, 1940s-80s.
In: Berridge, V, (ed.)
Making health policy:networks in research and policy after 1945.
Rodopi, pp. 275-294.
ISBN 9042018240
Full text not available from this repository.
MacOnochie, N;
Doyle, P;
Risk factors for first-trimester miscarriage: summary of results form the National Women’s Health survey.
In: Critchley, H; etal, (eds.)
Implantation and Early Development.
RCOG Press.
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Mace, R;
Sear, R;
Are humans cooperative breeders?
In: Voland, E; Chasiotis, A; Schiefenhoevel, W, (eds.)
Grandmotherhood: the Evolutionary Significance of the Second Half of Female Life.
Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, pp. 143-159.
ISBN 9780813536095
Item availability may be restricted.
Mars, S;
Peer Pressure and Imposed Consensus: The Making of the 1984 'Guidelines of Good Clinical Practice in the Treatment of Drug Misuse'.
In: Berridge, V, (ed.)
Making Health Policy: Networks in Research and Policy Since 1945.
Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 149-182.
Full text not available from this repository.
Marston, CA;
Pitfalls in measurement of sexual coercion: what are we measuring and why?
In: Jejeebhoy, ShireenJ; Shah, Iqbal; Thapa, Shyam, (eds.)
Sexual Violence and Young People: Perspectives from the Developing World.
Zed Books, London.
Full text not available from this repository.
McKee, M;
Brand, H;
Purchasing to promote population health.
In: Figueras, J; Robinson, R; Jakubowski, E, (eds.)
Purchasing to improve health systems performance.
Open University Press, Buckingham, pp. 140-163.
McKee, M;
Dubois, CA;
Sibbald, B;
Changing professional boundaries.
In: Dubois, CA; McKee, M; Nolte, E, (eds.)
Human resources for health in Europe.
Open University Press, Maidenehad, pp. 63-78.
ISBN 0 335 21855 5
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Meade, T.W.M., PK;
Coagulation, thrombosis, and coronary heart disease. From aetiology to public health.
In: Elliot, MichaelMarmotandPaul, (ed.)
Coronary heart disease epidemiology.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Full text not available from this repository.
Merson, MH;
Black, RE;
Mills, AJ;
In: Merson, MH; Black, RE; Mills, AJ, (eds.)
International Public Health: Diseases, Programs, Systems and Policies second edition.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, pp xiii-xxiii.
Full text not available from this repository.
Mills, A;
Missing areas in health sector reform: an academician's perspective.
In: Nitayarumphong, S; Mills, A; Pongsupap, Y; Tancharoensathien, V, (eds.)
What is talked about less in Health Care Reform?
National Health Security Office, Nonthaburi, Thailand.
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Mills, A;
Ranson, K;
The design of health systems.
In: Merson, M; Black, R; Mills, A, (eds.)
International Public Health second edition.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, pp. 513-552.
Full text not available from this repository.
Molenberghs, G;
Beunckens, C;
Jansen, I;
Thijs, H;
Verbeke, G;
Kenward, MG;
Missing Data.
In: Ihrens, W; Pigeot, I, (eds.)
Handbook of Epidemiology.
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 767-827.
Full text not available from this repository.
Molenberghs, G;
Beunkens, C;
Jansen, I;
Thijs, H;
Verbeke, G;
Kenward, MG;
van Steen, K;
Analysis of incomplete data.
In: Dmitrienko, A, (ed.)
SAS System for Clinical Trials II.
SAS Publishing, Cary, NC.
Full text not available from this repository.
Molenberghs, G;
Beunkens, C;
Jansen, I;
Thijs, H;
van Steen, K;
Verbeke, G;
Kenward, MG;
Analysis of incomplete data.
In: Chuang-Stein, C; D'Agostino, R, (eds.)
Pharmaceutical Statistics with SAS.
SAS Publishing, Cary, NC.
Full text not available from this repository.
Mwageni, E;
Masanja, H;
Juma, Z;
Momburi, D;
Mkilindi, Y;
Mbuya, C;
Kasale, H;
Reid, G;
De Savigny, D;
Socio-economic status and health inequalities in rural Tanzania: Evidence from the Rufifi demographic surveillance system.
In: INDEPTH, (ed.)
Meauring Health Equity in Small Areas - Findings from Demographic Surveillance Systems.
Ashgate Publishing Ltd, pp. 19-32.
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Møller, H;
In: Quinn, M; Wood, H; Cooper, N; Rowan, S, (eds.)
Cancer Atlas of the United Kingdom and Ireland 1991-2000.
Office for National Statistics, London, pp. 231-7.
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Møller, H;
Brewster, D;
Lip, mouth and pharynx.
In: Quinn, M; Wood, H; Cooper, N; Rowan, S, (eds.)
Cancer Atlas of the United Kingdom and Ireland 1991-2000.
Office for National Statistics, London, pp. 129-38.
Full text not available from this repository.
Møller, H;
Quinn, M;
In: Quinn, M; Wood, H; Cooper, N; Rowan, S, (eds.)
Cancer Atlas of the United Kingdom and Ireland 1991-2000.
Office for National Statistics, London, pp. 211-7.
Full text not available from this repository.
Nicol, F;
Rudge, J;
Kovats, RS;
Safe and warm: effect of climate change on thermal comfort and health.
In: Roaf, S; Crighton, D; Nicol, F, (eds.)
Adapting buildings and cities to climate change.
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