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Number of items: 28.
Griew, P;
Hillsdon, M;
Foster, C;
Coombes, E;
Jones, A;
Wilkinson, P;
Developing and testing a street audit tool using Google Street View to measure environmental supportiveness for physical activity.
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 10.
ISSN 1479-5868
Hirnschall, G;
Harries, AD;
Easterbrook, PJ;
Doherty, MC;
Ball, A;
The next generation of the World Health Organization's global antiretroviral guidance.
Journal of the International AIDS Society, 16.
ISSN 1758-2652
Iwuji, CC;
Churchill, D;
Gilleece, Y;
Weiss, HA;
Fisher, M;
Older HIV-infected individuals present late and have a higher mortality: Brighton, UK cohort study.
BMC public health, 13.
ISSN 1471-2458
Rugemalila, J;
Maro, VP;
Kapanda, G;
Ndaro, AJ;
Jarvis, JN;
Cryptococcal antigen prevalence in HIV-infected Tanzanians: a cross-sectional study and evaluation of a point-of-care lateral flow assay.
Tropical medicine & international health, 18 (9).
pp. 1075-1079.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Watkins, DJ;
Josson, J;
Elston, B;
Bartell, SM;
Shin, HM;
Vieira, VM;
Savitz, DA;
Fletcher, T;
Wellenius, GA;
Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl Acids and Markers of Kidney Function among Children and Adolescents Living near a Chemical Plant.
Environmental health perspectives, 121 (5).
pp. 625-630.
ISSN 0091-6765
Elliott, A;
Yazdanbakhsh, M;
Troubles never come alone.
Current opinion in HIV and AIDS, 7 (3).
pp. 211-213.
ISSN 1746-630X
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George, C;
Kanakamma, LG;
John, J;
Sunny, G;
Cohen, A;
de Silva, MJ;
Post-tsunami mental health: A cross-sectional survey of the predictors of common mental disorders in South India 9-11 months after the 2004 Tsunami.
Asia-Pacific psychiatry, 4 (2).
pp. 104-112.
ISSN 1758-5864
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Perry, DC;
Green, DJ;
Bruce, CE;
Pope, D;
Dangerfield, P;
Platt, MJ;
Hall, AJ;
Jones, H;
Abnormalities of Vascular Structure and Function in Children With Perthes Disease.
Pediatrics, 130 (1).
ISSN 0031-4005
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Wadonda-Kabondo, N;
Hedt, BL;
van Oosterhout, JJ;
Moyo, K;
Limbambala, E;
Bello, G;
Chilima, B;
Schouten, E;
Harries, A;
Massaquoi, M;
+7 more...
Porter, C;
Weigel, R;
Hosseinipour, M;
Aberle-Grasse, J;
Jordan, MR;
Kabuluzi, S;
Bennett, DE;
A Retrospective Survey of HIV Drug Resistance Among Patients 1 Year After Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy at 4 Clinics in Malawi.
Clinical infectious diseases, 54.
ISSN 1058-4838
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Harries, AD;
Zachariah, R;
Chimzizi, R;
Salaniponi, F;
Gausi, F;
Kanyerere, H;
Schouten, EJ;
Jahn, A;
Makombe, SD;
Chimbwandira, FM;
+1 more...
Mpunga, J;
Operational research in malawi: making a difference with cotrimoxazole preventive therapy in patients with tuberculosis and HIV.
BMC public health, 11.
ISSN 1471-2458
Kain, J;
Corvalán, C;
Lera, L;
Galván, M;
Weisstaub, G;
Uauy, R;
Association between body mass index (BMI) and height from birth to 5 years in Chilean preschool children.
Revista medica de Chile, 139 (5).
pp. 606-12.
ISSN 0034-9887
Lingsma, HF;
Roozenbeek, B;
Perel, P;
Roberts, I;
Maas, AIR;
Steyerberg, EW;
Between-centre differences and treatment effects in randomized controlled trials: A case study in traumatic brain injury.
Trials, 12.
ISSN 1745-6215
Mayanja, BN;
Todd, J;
Hughes, P;
van der Paal, L;
Mugisha, JO;
Atuhumuza, E;
Tabuga, P;
Maher, D;
Grosskurth, H;
Septicaemia in a population-based HIV clinical cohort in rural Uganda, 1996-2007: incidence, aetiology, antimicrobial drug resistance and impact of antiretroviral therapy.
Tropical medicine & international health, 15 (6).
pp. 697-705.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Sims, M;
Tomkins, S;
Judge, K;
Taylor, G;
Jarvis, MJ;
Gilmore, A;
Trends in and predictors of second-hand smoke exposure indexed by cotinine in children in England from 1996 to 2006.
Addiction (Abingdon, England), 105 (3).
pp. 543-553.
ISSN 0965-2140
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Miiro, G;
Kayhty, H;
Watera, C;
Tolmie, H;
Whitworth, JAG;
Gilks, CF;
French, N;
Conjugate pneumococcal vaccine in HIV-infected Ugandans and the effect of past receipt of polysaccharide vaccine.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 192 (10).
pp. 1801-1805.
ISSN 0022-1899
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Balabanova, Y;
Fedorin, I;
Kuznetsov, S;
Graham, C;
Ruddy, M;
Atun, R;
Coker, R;
Drobniewski, F;
Antimicrobial prescribing patterns for respiratory diseases including tuberculosis in Russia: a possible role in drug resistance?
The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 54 (3).
pp. 673-679.
ISSN 0305-7453
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Whitworth, JAG;
Hewitt, KA;
Effect of malaria on HIV-1 progression and transmission.
Lancet, 365 (9455).
p. 196.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Antova, T;
Pattenden, S;
Nikiforov, B;
Leonardi, GS;
Boeva, B;
Fletcher, T;
Rudnai, P;
Slachtova, H;
Tabak, C;
Zlotkowska, R;
+3 more...
Houthuijs, D;
Brunekreef, B;
Holikova, J;
Nutrition and respiratory health in children in six Central and Eastern European countries.
Thorax, 58 (3).
pp. 231-236.
ISSN 0040-6376
Guinness, L;
Walker, D;
Ndubani, P;
Jama, J;
Kelly, P;
Surviving the impact of HIV-related illness in the Zambian business sector.
AIDS patient care and STDs, 17 (7).
pp. 353-363.
ISSN 1087-2914
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Harries, AD;
Nyirenda, TE;
Godfrey-Faussett, P;
Salaniponi, FM;
Defining and assessing the maximum number of visits patients should make to a health facility to obtain a diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 7 (10).
pp. 953-8.
ISSN 1027-3719
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Padkin, A;
Goldfrad, C;
Brady, AR;
Young, D;
Black, N;
Rowan, K;
Epidemiology of severe sepsis occurring in the first 24 hrs in intensive care units in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
Critical care medicine, 31 (9).
pp. 2332-2338.
ISSN 0090-3493
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Scahill, RI;
Frost, C;
Jenkins, R;
Whitwell, JL;
Rossor, MN;
Fox, NC;
A longitudinal study of brain volume changes in normal aging using serial registered magnetic resonance imaging.
Archives of neurology, 60 (7).
pp. 989-994.
ISSN 0003-9942
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Carpenter, LM;
Kamali, A;
Payne, M;
Kiwuuwa, S;
Kintu, P;
Nakiyingi, J;
Kinsman, J;
Nalweyiso, N;
Quigley, MA;
Kengeya-Kayondo, JF;
+1 more...
Whitworth, JAG;
Independent effects of reported sexually transmitted infections and sexual behavior on HIV-1 prevalence among adult women, men, and teenagers in rural Uganda.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 29 (2).
pp. 174-80.
ISSN 1525-4135
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Swerdlow, AJ;
Higgins, CD;
Adlard, P;
Preece, MA;
Risk of cancer in patients treated with human pituitary growth hormone in the UK, 1959-85: a cohort study.
Lancet, 360 (9329).
pp. 273-277.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Whitworth, JAG;
Mahe, C;
Mbulaiteye, SM;
Nakiyingi, J;
Ruberantwari, A;
Ojwiya, A;
Kamali, A;
HIV-1 epidemic trends in rural south-west Uganda over a 10-year period.
Tropical medicine & international health, 7 (12).
pp. 1047-52.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Corbett, EL;
de Cock, KM;
The clinical significance of interactions between HIV and TB: more questions than answers.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 5 (3).
pp. 205-7.
ISSN 1027-3719
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Osman, LM;
McKenzie, L;
Cairns, J;
Friend, JAR;
Godden, DJ;
Legge, JS;
Douglas, JG;
Patient weighting of importance of asthma symptoms.
Thorax, 56 (2).
pp. 138-42.
ISSN 0040-6376
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Permar, SR;
Moss, WJ;
Ryon, JJ;
Monze, M;
Cutts, F;
Quinn, TC;
Griffin, DE;
Prolonged measles virus shedding in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children, detected by reverse transcriptase- polymerase chain reaction.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 183 (4).
pp. 532-8.
ISSN 0022-1899
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