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Acharya, AK;
Towards establishing a universal health norm.
Ethics & international affairs, 18 (3).
pp. 65-78.
ISSN 0892-6794
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Alleyne, G;
Binagwaho, A;
Haines, A;
Jahan, S;
Nugent, R;
Rojhani, A;
Stuckler, D;
Lancet, NCDActionGrp;
Embedding non-communicable diseases in the post-2015 development agenda.
Lancet, 381 (9866).
pp. 566-574.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Beaglehole, R;
Bonita, R;
Horton, R;
Adams, C;
Alleyne, G;
Asaria, P;
Baugh, V;
Bekedam, H;
Billo, N;
Casswell, S;
+34 more...
Cecchini, M;
Colagiuri, R;
Colagiuri, S;
Collins, T;
Ebrahim, S;
Engelgau, M;
Galea, G;
Gaziano, T;
Geneau, R;
Haines, A;
Hospedales, J;
Jha, P;
Keeling, A;
Leeder, S;
Lincoln, P;
McKee, M;
MacKay, J;
Magnusson, R;
Moodie, R;
Mwatsama, M;
Nishtar, S;
Norrving, B;
Patterson, D;
Piot, P;
Ralston, J;
Rani, M;
Reddy, KS;
Sassi, F;
Sheron, N;
Stuckler, D;
Suh, I;
Torode, J;
Varghese, C;
Watt, J;
Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis.
Lancet, 377 (9775).
pp. 1438-1447.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Bennett, S;
Oxman, A;
Haines, A;
Prospects for health-systems research.
Lancet, 371 (9628).
p. 1913.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Bonita, R;
Magnusson, R;
Bovet, P;
Zhao, D;
Malta, DC;
Geneau, R;
Suh, I;
Thankappan, KR;
McKee, M;
Hospedales, J;
+4 more...
de Courten, M;
Capewell, S;
Beaglehole, R;
Lancet, NCDActionGrp;
Country actions to meet UN commitments on non-communicable diseases: a stepwise approach.
Lancet, 381 (9866).
pp. 575-584.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Bryce, J;
el Arifeen, S;
Bhutta, ZA;
Black, RE;
Claeson, M;
Gillespie, D;
Gwatkin, DR;
Habicht, JP;
Jone, G;
Lanata, CF;
+8 more...
Morris, SS;
Mshinda, H;
Pariyo, G;
Perkin, G;
Schellenberg, JA;
Steketee, R;
Troedsson, H;
Victora, CG;
Getting it right for children: a review of UNICEFjoint health and nutrition strategy for 2006-15.
Lancet, 368 (9538).
pp. 817-819.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Costello, A;
Filippi, V;
Kubba, T;
Horton, R;
Research challenges to improve maternal and child survival.
Lancet, 369 (9569).
pp. 1240-1243.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Creese, A;
Floyd, K;
Alban, A;
Guinness, L;
Cost-effectiveness of HIV/AIDS interventions in Africa: a systematic review of the evidence.
Lancet, 359 (9318).
pp. 1635-1642.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Gilson, L;
Doherty, J;
Lake, S;
McIntyre, D;
Mwikisa, C;
Thomas, S;
The SAZA study: implementing health financing reform in South Africa and Zambia.
Health policy and planning, 18 (1).
pp. 31-46.
ISSN 0268-1080
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Heller, RF;
Gemmell, I;
Wilson, E;
Fordham, R;
Smith, R;
Using economic analyses for local priority setting : the population cost-impact approach.
Applied health economics and health policy, 5 (1).
pp. 45-54.
ISSN 1175-5652
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James, C;
Carrin, G;
Savedoff, W;
Hanvoravongchai, P;
Clarifying efficiency-equity tradeoffs through explicit criteria, with a focus on developing countries.
Health care analysis, 13 (1).
pp. 33-51.
ISSN 1065-3058
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Jitapunkul, S;
Kunanusont, C;
Phoolcharoen, W;
Suriyawongpaisal, P;
Ebrahim, S;
Determining public health priorities for an ageing population: the value of a disability survey.
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health, 34 (4).
pp. 929-36.
ISSN 0125-1562
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Langham, S;
Basnett, I;
McCartney, P;
Normand, C;
Pickering, J;
Sheers, D;
Thorogood, M;
Addressing the inverse care law in cardiac services.
Journal of public health medicine, 25 (3).
pp. 202-7.
ISSN 0957-4832
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Lawn, JE;
Tinker, A;
Munjanja, SP;
Where is maternal and child health now?
Lancet, 368 (9546).
pp. 1474-7.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Lock, K;
Andreev, EM;
Shkolnikov, VM;
McKee, M;
What targets for international development policies are appropriate for improving health in Russia?
Health policy and planning, 17 (3).
pp. 257-63.
ISSN 0268-1080
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Lomas, J;
Fulop, N;
Gagnon, D;
Allen, P;
On being a good listener: setting priorities for applied health services research.
The Milbank quarterly, 81 (3).
pp. 363-88.
ISSN 0887-378X
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Low, N;
Broutet, N;
Adu-Sarkodie, Y;
Barton, P;
Hossain, M;
Hawkes, S;
Sexual and reproductive health 5 - Global control of sexually transmitted infections.
Lancet, 368 (9551).
pp. 2001-16.
ISSN 0140-6736
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McIntyre, D;
Gilson, L;
Putting equity in health back onto the social policy agenda: experience from South Africa.
Social science & medicine (1982), 54 (11).
pp. 1637-56.
ISSN 0277-9536
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Merson, M;
Padian, N;
Coates, TJ;
Gupta, GR;
Bertozzi, SM;
Piot, P;
Mane, P;
Bartos, M;
Lancet, HIVPSA;
Combination HIV prevention.
Lancet, 372 (9652).
pp. 1805-6.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Mossialos, E;
McKee, M;
Rationing treatment on the NHS-still a political issue.
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 96 (8).
pp. 372-3.
ISSN 0141-0768
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Oliveira-Cruz, V;
Kowalski, J;
McPake, B;
Viewpoint: the Brazilian HIV/AIDS 'success story'--can others do it?
Tropical medicine & international health, 9 (2).
pp. 292-7.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Paul, VK;
Sachdev, HS;
Mavalankar, D;
Ramachandran, P;
Sankar, MJ;
Bhandari, N;
Sreenivas, V;
Sundararaman, T;
Govil, D;
Osrin, D;
+1 more...
Kirkwood, B;
India: Towards Universal Health Coverage 2 Reproductive health, and child health and nutrition in India: meeting the challenge.
Lancet, 377 (9762).
pp. 332-349.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Paul, VK;
Sachdev, HS;
Mavalankar, D;
Ramachandran, P;
Sankar, MJ;
Bhandari, N;
Sreenivas, V;
Sundararaman, T;
Govil, D;
Osrin, D;
+1 more...
Kirkwood, B;
Reproductive health, and child health and nutrition in India: meeting the challenge.
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Pronyk, PM;
Kim, J;
Porter, JDH;
Editorial: Whose priorities? A response to the issue of antiretrovirals in Africa.
Tropical medicine & international health, 6 (8).
pp. 575-7.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Saraceno, B;
van Ommeren, M;
Batniji, R;
Cohen, A;
Gureje, O;
Mahoney, J;
Sridhar, D;
Underhill, C;
Barriers to improvement of mental health services in low-income and middle-income countries.
Lancet, 370 (9593).
pp. 1164-74.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Slachtova, H;
Avdicova, M;
Tvrdik, J;
Fletcher, T;
Dusseldorp, A;
Kolarova, D;
Farkas, I;
Zycinska, J;
Gurzau, E;
Minca, D;
+4 more...
Ball, D;
Jones, K;
Lebret, E;
Woudenberg, F;
Perceptual differences regarding health and environmental problems and their remedies in two states of the former Czechoslovakia.
Central European journal of public health, 11 (1).
pp. 44-9.
ISSN 1210-7778
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Smith, RD;
Construction of the contingent valuation market in healthcare: a critical assessment.
Health economics, 12 (8).
pp. 609-628.
ISSN 1057-9230
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Wilkinson, P;
French, R;
Kane, R;
Lachowycz, K;
Stephenson, J;
Grundy, C;
Jacklin, P;
Kingori, P;
Stevens, M;
Wellings, K;
Teenage conceptions, abortions, and births in England, 1994-2003, and the national teenage pregnancy strategy.
Lancet, 368 (9550).
pp. 1879-1886.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Wiseman, V;
Mooney, G;
Berry, G;
Tang, KC;
Involving the general public in priority setting: experiences from Australia.
Social science & medicine (1982), 56 (5).
pp. 1001-12.
ISSN 0277-9536
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de Backer, G;
Ambrosioni, E;
Borch-Johnsen, K;
Brotons, C;
Cifkova, R;
Dallongeville, J;
Ebrahim, S;
Faergeman, O;
Graham, I;
Mancia, G;
+11 more...
Manger Cats, V;
Orth-Gomer, K;
Perk, J;
Pyorala, K;
Rodicio, JL;
Sans, S;
Sansoy, V;
Sechtem, U;
Silber, S;
Thomsen, T;
Wood, D;
European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice. Third Joint Task Force of European and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice.
European heart journal, 24 (17).
pp. 1601-10.
ISSN 0195-668X
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Bailey, R;
Lietman, T;
The SAFE strategy for the elimination of trachoma by 2020: will it work?
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 79 (3).
pp. 233-6.
ISSN 0042-9686
De Cock, KM;
Bunnell, R;
Mermin, J;
Unfinished business--expanding HIV testing in developing countries.
The New England journal of medicine, 354 (5).
pp. 440-2.
ISSN 0028-4793
Fox-Rushby, J;
Mills, A;
Walker, D;
Setting health priorities: the development of cost-effectiveness league tables.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 79 (7).
pp. 679-80.
ISSN 0042-9686
Gilbert, C;
Awan, H;
Blindness in children - half of it is avoidable, and suitable cost effective interventions are available.
BMJ, 327 (7418).
pp. 760-761.
ISSN 1468-5833
Gilbert, C;
Foster, A;
Childhood blindness in the context of VISION 2020 - The Right to Sight.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 79 (3).
pp. 227-32.
ISSN 0042-9686
Hendy, J;
Fulop, N;
Reeves, BC;
Hutchings, A;
Collin, S;
Implementing the NHS information technology programme: qualitative study of progress in acute trusts.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 334 (7608).
ISSN 0959-8138
Jelsma, J;
Shumba, D;
Hansen, K;
de Weerdt, W;
de Cock, P;
Preferences of urban Zimbabweans for health and life lived at different ages.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80 (3).
pp. 204-9.
ISSN 0042-9686
Kenyon, C;
Skordis, J;
Boulle, A;
Pillay, K;
The ART of rationing--the need for a new approach to rationing health interventions.
South African Medical Journal, 93 (1).
pp. 56-60.
ISSN 0256-9574
Lock, K;
Gabrijelcic-Blenkus, M;
Martuzzi, M;
Otorepec, P;
Wallace, P;
Dora, C;
Robertson, A;
Zakotnic, JM;
Health impact assessment of agriculture and food policies: lessons learnt from the Republic of Slovenia.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 81 (6).
pp. 391-8.
ISSN 0042-9686
Piot, P;
Greener, R;
Russell, S;
Squaring the circle: AIDS, poverty, and human development.
PLoS medicine, 4 (10).
pp. 1571-5.
ISSN 1549-1277
Rudan, I;
Gibson, JL;
Ameratunga, S;
el Arifeen, S;
Bhutta, ZA;
Black, M;
Black, RE;
Brown, KH;
Campbell, H;
Carneiro, I;
+16 more...
Chan, KY;
Chandramohan, D;
Chopra, M;
Cousens, S;
Darmstadt, GL;
Gardner, JM;
Hess, SY;
Hyder, AA;
Kapiriri, L;
Kosek, M;
Lanata, CF;
Lansang, MA;
Lawn, J;
Tomlinson, M;
Tsai, AC;
Webster, J;
Setting Priorities in Global Child Health Research Investments: Guidelines for Implementation of CHNRI Method.
Croatian medical journal, 49 (6).
pp. 720-733.
ISSN 0353-9504
Schmidt, WP;
Setting Priorities in Diarrhoeal Disease Research: Merits and Pitfalls of Expert Opinion.
Journal of health, population, and nutrition, 27 (3).
pp. 313-315.
ISSN 1606-0997
Smith, R;
Coast, J;
Antimicrobial resistance: a global response.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80 (2).
pp. 126-33.
ISSN 0042-9686
Townsend, J;
Buxton, M;
Harper, G;
Prioritisation of health technology assessment. The PATHS model: methods and case studies.
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 7 (20).
iii, 1-82.
ISSN 1366-5278
Walt, G;
WHO's World Health Report 2003 - Shaping the future depends on strengthening health systems.
BMJ, 328 (7430).
p. 6.
ISSN 1468-5833
West, R;
Townsend, J;
Joossens, L;
Arnott, D;
Lewis, S;
Why combating tobacco smuggling is a priority.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 337.
ISSN 0959-8138