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Bibliographic data only
Bakhai, A;
Collinson, J;
Flather, MD;
de Arenaza, DP;
Shibata, C;
Wang, D;
Adgey, JA;
Diabetic patients with acute coronary syndromes in the UK: high risk and under treated. Results from the prospective registry of acute ischaernic syndromes in the UK (PRAIS-UK).
International journal of cardiology, 100 (1).
pp. 79-84.
ISSN 0167-5273
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Godicke, J;
Flather, M;
Noc, M;
Gyongyosi, M;
Arntz, HR;
Grip, L;
Gabriel, HM;
Huber, K;
Nugara, F;
Schroer, J;
+4 more...
Svensson, L;
Wang, DL;
Zorman, S;
Montalescot, G;
Early versus periprocedural administration of abciximab for primary angioplasty: A pooled analysis of 6 studies.
American heart journal, 150 (5).
ISSN 0002-8703
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Hawkins, NM;
Wang, DL;
McMurray, JJV;
Pfeffer, MA;
Swedberg, K;
Granger, CB;
Yusuf, S;
Pocock, SJ;
Ostergren, J;
Michelson, EL;
+1 more...
Dunn, FG;
Prevalence and prognostic impact of bundle branch block in patients with heart failure: Evidence from the CHARM programme.
European journal of heart failure, 9 (5).
pp. 510-517.
ISSN 1388-9842
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Mehran, R;
Pocock, SJ;
Nikolsky, E;
Clayton, T;
Dangas, GD;
Kirtane, AJ;
Parise, H;
Fahy, M;
Manoukian, SV;
Feit, F;
+5 more...
Ohman, ME;
Witzenbichler, B;
Guagliumi, G;
Lansky, AJ;
Stone, GW;
A Risk Score to Predict Bleeding in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 55 (23).
pp. 2556-2566.
ISSN 0735-1097
Full text not available from this repository.
Murray, CJL;
Barber, RM;
Foreman, KJ;
Ozgoren, AA;
Abd-Allah, F;
Abera, SF;
Aboyans, V;
Abraham, JP;
Abubakar, I;
Abu-Raddad, LJ;
+602 more...
Abu-Rmeileh, NM;
Achoki, T;
Ackerman, IN;
Ademi, Z;
Adou, AK;
Adsuar, JC;
Afshin, A;
Agardh, EE;
Alam, SS;
Alasfoor, D;
Albittar, MI;
Alegretti, MA;
Alemu, ZA;
Alfonso-Cristancho, R;
Alhabib, S;
Ali, R;
Alla, F;
Allebeck, P;
Almazroa, MA;
Alsharif, U;
Alvarez, E;
Alvis-Guzman, N;
Amare, AT;
Ameh, EA;
Amini, H;
Ammar, W;
Anderson, HR;
Anderson, BO;
Antonio, CAT;
Anwari, P;
Arnlov, J;
Arsenijevic, VSA;
Artaman, A;
Asghar, RJ;
Assadi, R;
Atkins, LS;
Avila, MA;
Awuah, B;
Bachman, VF;
Badawi, A;
Bahit, MC;
Balakrishnan, K;
Banerjee, A;
Barker-Collo, SL;
Barquera, S;
Barregard, L;
Barrero, LH;
Basu, A;
Basu, S;
Basulaiman, MO;
Beardsley, J;
Bedi, N;
Beghi, E;
Bekele, T;
Bell, ML;
Benjet, C;
Bennett, DA;
Bensenor, IM;
Benzian, H;
Bernabe, E;
Bertozzi-Villa, A;
Beyene, TJ;
Bhala, N;
Bhalla, A;
Bhutta, ZA;
Bienhoff, K;
Bikbov, B;
Biryukov, S;
Blore, JD;
Blosser, CD;
Blyth, FM;
Bohensky, MA;
Bolliger, IW;
Basara, BB;
Bornstein, NM;
Bose, D;
Boufous, S;
Bourne, RRA;
Boyers, LN;
Brainin, M;
Brayne, CE;
Brazinova, A;
Breitborde, NJK;
Brenner, H;
Briggs, AD;
Brooks, PM;
Brown, JC;
Brugha, TS;
Buchbinder, R;
Buckle, GC;
Budke, CM;
Bulchis, A;
Bulloch, AG;
Campos-Nonato, IR;
Carabin, H;
Carapetis, JR;
Cardenas, R;
Carpenter, DO;
Caso, V;
Castaneda-Orjuela, CA;
Castro, RE;
Catala-Lopez, F;
Cavalleri, F;
Cavlin, A;
Chadha, VK;
Chang, JC;
Charlson, FJ;
Chen, HL;
Chen, WQ;
Chiang, PP;
Chimed-Ochir, O;
Chowdhury, R;
Christensen, H;
Christophi, CA;
Cirillo, M;
Coates, MM;
Coffeng, LE;
Coggeshall, MS;
Colistro, V;
Colquhoun, SM;
Cooke, GS;
Cooper, C;
Cooper, LT;
Coppola, LM;
Cortinovis, M;
Criqui, MH;
Crump, JA;
Cuevas-Nasu, L;
Danawi, H;
Dandona, L;
Dandona, R;
Dansereau, E;
Dargan, PI;
Davey, G;
Davis, A;
Davitoiu, DV;
Dayama, A;
de Leo, D;
Degenhardt, L;
del Pozo-Cruz, B;
Dellavalle, RP;
Deribe, K;
Derrett, S;
Des Jarlais, DC;
Dessalegn, M;
Dharmaratne, SD;
Dherani, MK;
Diaz-Torne, C;
Dicker, D;
Ding, EL;
Dokova, K;
Dorsey, ER;
Driscoll, TR;
Duan, L;
Duber, HC;
Ebel, BE;
Edmond, KM;
Elshrek, YM;
Endres, M;
Ermakov, SP;
Erskine, HE;
Eshrati, B;
Esteghamati, A;
Estep, K;
Faraon, EJA;
Farzadfar, F;
Fay, DF;
Feigin, VL;
Felson, DT;
Fereshtehnejad, SM;
Fernandes, JG;
Ferrari, AJ;
Fitzmaurice, C;
Flaxman, AD;
Fleming, TD;
Foigt, N;
Forouzanfar, MH;
Fowkes, FGR;
Paleo, UF;
Franklin, RC;
Furst, T;
Gabbe, B;
Gaffikin, L;
Gankpe, FG;
Geleijnse, JM;
Gessner, BD;
Gething, P;
Gibney, KB;
Giroud, M;
Giussani, G;
Dantes, HG;
Gona, P;
Gonzalez-Medina, D;
Gosselin, RA;
Gotay, CC;
Goto, A;
Gouda, HN;
Graetz, N;
Gugnani, HC;
Gupta, R;
Gupta, R;
Gutierrez, RA;
Haagsma, J;
Hafezi-Nejad, N;
Hagan, H;
Halasa, YA;
Hamadeh, RR;
Hamavid, H;
Hammami, M;
Hancock, J;
Hankey, GJ;
Hansen, GM;
Hao, YT;
Harb, HL;
Haro, JM;
Havmoeller, R;
Hay, SI;
Hay, RJ;
Heredia-Pi, IB;
Heuton, KR;
Heydarpour, P;
Higashi, H;
Hijar, M;
Hoek, HW;
Hoffman, HJ;
Hosgood, HD;
Hossain, M;
Hotez, PJ;
Hoy, DG;
Hsairi, M;
Hu, GQ;
Huang, C;
Huang, JJ;
Husseini, A;
Huynh, C;
Iannarone, ML;
Iburg, KM;
Innos, K;
Inoue, M;
Islami, F;
Jacobsen, KH;
Jarvis, DL;
Jassal, SK;
Jee, SH;
Jeemon, P;
Jensen, PN;
Jha, V;
Jiang, GH;
Jiang, Y;
Jonas, JB;
Juel, K;
Kan, HD;
Karch, A;
Karema, CK;
Karimkhani, C;
Karthikeyan, G;
Kassebaum, NJ;
Kaul, A;
Kawakami, N;
Kazanjan, K;
Kemp, AH;
Kengne, AP;
Keren, A;
Khader, YS;
Khalifa, SEA;
Khan, EA;
Khan, G;
Khang, YH;
Kieling, C;
Kim, D;
Kim, S;
Kim, Y;
Kinfu, Y;
Kinge, JM;
Kivipelto, M;
Knibbs, LD;
Knudsen, AK;
Kokubo, Y;
Kosen, S;
Krishnaswami, S;
Defo, BK;
Bicer, BK;
Kuipers, EJ;
Kulkarni, C;
Kulkarni, VS;
Kumar, GA;
Kyu, HH;
Lai, T;
Lalloo, R;
Lallukka, T;
Lam, H;
Lan, Q;
Lansingh, VC;
Larsson, A;
Lawrynowicz, AEB;
Leasher, JL;
Leigh, J;
Leung, R;
Levitz, CE;
LI, B;
Lim, SS;
Lind, M;
Lipshultz, SE;
Liu, SW;
Liu, Y;
Lloyd, BK;
Lofgren, KT;
Logroscino, G;
Looker, KJ;
Lortet-Tieulent, J;
Lotufo, PA;
Lozano, R;
Lucas, RM;
Lunevicius, R;
Lyons, RA;
Ma, S;
MacIntyre, MF;
MacKay, MT;
Majdan, M;
Malekzadeh, R;
Marcenes, W;
Margolis, DJ;
Margono, C;
Marzan, MB;
Masci, JR;
Mashal, MT;
Matzopoulos, R;
Mayosi, BM;
Mazorodze, TT;
McGill, NW;
McGrath, JJ;
McKee, M;
McLain, A;
Meaney, PA;
Medina, C;
Mehndiratta, MM;
Mekonnen, W;
Melaku, YA;
Meltzer, M;
Memish, ZA;
Mensah, GA;
Meretoja, A;
Mhimbira, FA;
Micha, R;
Miller, TR;
Mills, EJ;
Mitchell, PB;
Mock, CN;
Ibrahim, NM;
Mohammad, KA;
Mokdad, AH;
Mola, GLD;
Monasta, L;
Hernandez, JCM;
Montico, M;
Montine, TJ;
Mooney, MD;
Moore, AR;
Moradi-Lakeh, M;
Moran, AE;
Mori, R;
Moschandreas, J;
Moturi, WN;
Moyer, ML;
Mozaffarian, D;
Msemburi, WT;
Mueller, UO;
Mukaigawara, M;
Mullany, EC;
Murdoch, ME;
Murray, J;
Murthy, KS;
Naghavi, M;
Naheed, A;
Naidoo, KS;
Naldi, L;
Nand, D;
Nangia, V;
Narayan, KMV;
Nejjari, C;
Neupane, SP;
Newton, CR;
Ng, M;
Ngalesoni, FN;
Nguyen, G;
Nisar, MI;
Nolte, S;
Norheim, OF;
Norman, RE;
Norrving, B;
Nyakarahuka, L;
Oh, IH;
Ohkubo, T;
Ohno, SL;
Olusanya, BO;
Opio, JN;
Ortblad, K;
Ortiz, A;
Pain, AW;
Pandian, JD;
Panelo, CIA;
Papachristou, C;
Park, EK;
Park, JH;
Patten, SB;
Patton, GC;
Paul, VK;
Pavlin, BI;
Pearce, N;
Pereira, DM;
Perez-Padilla, R;
Perez-Ruiz, F;
Perico, N;
Pervaiz, A;
Pesudovs, K;
Peterson, CB;
Petzold, M;
Phillips, MR;
Phillips, BK;
Phillips, DE;
Piel, FB;
Plass, D;
Poenaru, D;
Polinder, S;
Pope, D;
Popova, S;
Poulton, RG;
Pourmalek, F;
Prabhakaran, D;
Prasad, NM;
Pullan, RL;
Qato, DM;
Quistberg, DA;
Rafay, A;
Rahimi, K;
Rahman, SU;
Raju, M;
Rana, SM;
Razavi, H;
Reddy, KS;
Refaat, A;
Remuzzi, G;
Resnikoff, S;
Ribeiro, AL;
Richardson, L;
Richardus, JH;
Roberts, DA;
Rojas-Rueda, D;
Ronfani, L;
Roth, GA;
Rothenbacher, D;
Rothstein, DH;
Rowley, JT;
Roy, N;
Ruhago, GM;
Saeedi, MY;
Saha, S;
Sahraian, MA;
Sampson, UKA;
Sanabria, JR;
Sandar, L;
Santos, IS;
Satpathy, M;
Sawhney, M;
Scarborough, P;
Schneider, IJ;
Schottker, B;
Schumacher, AE;
Schwebel, DC;
Scott, JG;
Seedat, S;
Sepanlou, SG;
Serina, PT;
Servan-Mori, EE;
Shackelford, KA;
Shaheen, A;
Shahraz, S;
Levy, TS;
Shangguan, S;
She, J;
Sheikhbahaei, S;
Shi, PL;
Shibuya, K;
Shinohara, Y;
Shiri, R;
Shishani, K;
Shiue, I;
Shrime, MG;
Sigfusdottir, ID;
Silberberg, DH;
Simard, EP;
Sindi, S;
Singh, A;
Singh, JA;
Singh, L;
Skirbekk, V;
Slepak, EL;
Sliwa, K;
Soneji, S;
Soreide, K;
Soshnikov, S;
Sposato, LA;
Sreeramareddy, CT;
Stanaway, JD;
Stathopoulou, V;
Stein, DJ;
Stein, MB;
Steiner, C;
Steiner, TJ;
Stevens, A;
Stewart, A;
Stovner, LJ;
Stroumpoulis, K;
Sunguya, BF;
Swaminathan, S;
Swaroop, M;
Sykes, BL;
Tabb, KM;
Takahashi, K;
Tandon, N;
Tanne, D;
Tanner, M;
Tavakkoli, M;
Taylor, HR;
Te Ao, BJ;
Tediosi, F;
Temesgen, AM;
Templin, T;
Ten Have, M;
Tenkorang, EY;
Terkawi, AS;
Thomson, B;
Thorne-Lyman, AL;
Thrift, AG;
Thurston, GD;
Tillmann, T;
Tonelli, M;
Topouzis, F;
Toyoshima, H;
Traebert, J;
Tran, BX;
Trillini, M;
Truelsen, T;
Tsilimbaris, M;
Tuzcu, EM;
Uchendu, US;
Ukwaja, KN;
Undurraga, EA;
Uzun, SB;
van Brakel, WH;
van de Vijver, S;
van Gool, CH;
van Os, J;
Vasankari, TJ;
Venketasubramanian, N;
Violante, FS;
Vlassov, VV;
Vollset, SE;
Wagner, GR;
Wagner, J;
Waller, SG;
Wan, X;
Wang, HD;
Wang, JL;
Wang, LH;
Warouw, TS;
Weichenthal, S;
Weiderpass, E;
Weintraub, RG;
Wang, WZ;
Werdecker, A;
Westerman, R;
Whiteford, HA;
Wilkinson, JD;
Williams, TN;
Wolfe, CD;
Wolock, TM;
Woolf, AD;
Wulf, S;
Wurtz, B;
Xu, GL;
Yan, LJL;
Yano, Y;
Ye, PP;
Yentur, GK;
Yip, P;
Yonemoto, N;
Yoon, SJ;
Younis, MZ;
Yu, CH;
Zaki, ME;
Zhao, Y;
Zheng, YF;
Zonies, D;
Zou, XN;
Salomon, JA;
Lopez, AD;
Vos, T;
Collaborator, GBDD;
Collaborator, H;
Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990-2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition.
Lancet, 386 (10009).
pp. 2145-2191.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Nicholson, A;
Kuper, H;
Hemingway, H;
Depression as an aetiologic and prognostic factor in coronary heart disease: a meta-analysis of 6362 events among 146 538 participants in 54 observational studies.
European heart journal, 27 (23).
pp. 2763-2774.
ISSN 0195-668X
Full text not available from this repository.
Raine, R;
Hutchings, A;
Black, N;
Is publicly funded health care really distributed according to need? The example of cardiac rehabilitation in the UK.
Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 63 (1).
pp. 63-72.
ISSN 0168-8510
Full text not available from this repository.
Barone-Adesi, F;
Gasparrini, A;
Vizzini, L;
Merletti, F;
Richiardi, L;
Effects of Italian Smoking Regulation on Rates of Hospital Admission for Acute Coronary Events: A Country-Wide Study.
PloS one, 6 (3).
ISSN 1932-6203