Number of items: 325.
Bibliographic data only
, Go4health;
Beiersmann, C;
Brolan, C;
Durrani, S;
Eggermont, N;
Eide, A;
Evans, T;
Flores, W;
Forman, L;
Friedman, E;
+15 more...
Gebauer, T;
Gostin, L;
Hill, P;
Hussain, S;
Jahn, A;
Latif, L;
McKee, M;
Müller, O;
Mulumba, M;
Ooms, G;
Siddiqui, F;
Sridhar, D;
van Damme, W;
van Leemput, L;
Waris, A;
The post-2015 international health agenda: universal health coverage and healthy environment, both anchored in the right to health.
Technical Report.
Go4Health, Antwerp, Belgium.
Full text not available from this repository.
Ager, Alastair;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
Unlu, Kathy;
Rinehart, Richard;
Nyberg, Beverly;
Zeanah, Charles;
Hunleth, Jean;
Bastiaens, Ida;
Weldy, Andre;
Bachman, Gretchen;
+2 more...
Blum, Alexander B;
Strottman, Kathleen;
What strategies are appropriate for monitoring children outside of family care and evaluating the impact of the programs intended to serve them?
Child abuse & neglect, 36 (10).
pp. 732-742.
ISSN 0145-2134
Full text not available from this repository.
Arrow, Kenneth J;
Danzon, Patricia M;
Gelband, Hellen;
Jamison, Dean;
Laxminarayan, Ramanan;
Mills, Anne;
Mwabu, Germano;
Panosian, Claire;
Peto, Richard;
White, Nicholas J;
The Affordable Medicines Facility--malaria: killing it slowly.
Lancet, 380 (9857).
pp. 1889-1890.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Brusamento, Serena;
Legido-Quigley, Helena;
Panteli, Dimitra;
Turk, Eva;
Knai, Cecile;
Saliba, Vanessa;
Car, Josip;
McKee, Martin;
Busse, Reinhard;
Assessing the effectiveness of strategies to implement clinical guidelines for the management of chronic diseases at primary care level in EU Member States: a systematic review.
Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 107 (2-3).
pp. 168-183.
ISSN 0168-8510
Full text not available from this repository.
Dey, S;
Nambiar, D;
Lakshmi, JK;
Sheikh, K;
Reddy, KS;
Health of the elderly in india: challenges of access and affordability.
Smith, J;
Majmundar, M, (eds.)
Aging in Asia: Findings from New and Emerging Data Initiatives.
The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C..
ISBN 978-0-415-57977-3
Full text not available from this repository.
Foss, AM;
Terris-Prestholt, F;
Cox, AP;
Heise, L;
Meyer-Rath, G;
Delany-Moretlwe, S;
Mertenskoetter, T;
Rees, H;
Vickerman, P;
Watts, CH;
Model projections of the population-level impact, on HIV and herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2), and cost-effectiveness of tenofovir gel, an antiretroviral microbicide.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Gheorghe, Adrian;
Calvert, Melanie;
Pinkney, Thomas D;
Fletcher, Benjamin R;
Bartlett, David C;
Hawkins, William J;
Mak, Tony;
Youssef, Haney;
Wilson, Sue;
West Midlands Research Collaborative;
+1 more...
ROSSINI Trial Management Group;
Systematic review of the clinical effectiveness of wound-edge protection devices in reducing surgical site infection in patients undergoing open abdominal surgery.
Annals of surgery, 255 (6).
pp. 1017-1029.
ISSN 0003-4932
Full text not available from this repository.
Gruskin, Sofia;
Ahmed, Shahira;
Bogecho, Dina;
Ferguson, Laura;
Hanefeld, Johanna;
Maccarthy, Sarah;
Raad, Zyde;
Steiner, Riley;
Human rights in health systems frameworks: what is there, what is missing and why does it matter?
Global public health, 7 (4).
pp. 337-351.
ISSN 1744-1692
Full text not available from this repository.
Harmer, Andrew;
Spicer, Neil;
Aleshkina, Julia;
Bogdan, Daryna;
Chkhatarashvili, Ketevan;
Murzalieva, Gulgun;
Rukhadze, Natia;
Samiev, Arnol;
Walt, Gill;
Has global fund support for civil society advocacy in the former Soviet Union established meaningful engagement or 'a lot of jabber about nothing'?
Health policy and planning, 28 (3).
pp. 299-308.
ISSN 0268-1080
Full text not available from this repository.
Howard, N;
Murphy, A;
Haider, R;
Pallet, J;
Trani, J.-, F;
Ventevogel, P;
Chronic and cross-cutting interventions.
Howard, N;
Sondorp, E;
terVeen, A, (eds.)
Conflict and Health.
Open University Press.
Full text not available from this repository.
Klot, Jennifer F;
Auerbach, Judith D;
Veronese, Fulvia;
Brown, Gina;
Pei, April;
Wira, Charles R;
Hope, Thomas J;
M'boup, Souleymane;
Greentree Meeting on Sexual Violence and HIV;
Greentree white paper: sexual violence, genitoanal injury, and HIV: priorities for research, policy, and practice.
AIDS research and human retroviruses, 28 (11).
pp. 1379-1388.
ISSN 0889-2229
Full text not available from this repository.
Knai, Cécile;
Brusamento, Serena;
Legido-Quigley, Helena;
Saliba, Vanessa;
Panteli, Dimitra;
Turk, Eva;
Car, Josip;
McKee, Martin;
Busse, Reinhard;
Systematic review of the methodological quality of clinical guideline development for the management of chronic disease in Europe.
Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 107 (2-3).
pp. 157-167.
ISSN 0168-8510
Full text not available from this repository.
Legido-Quigley, Helena;
Panteli, Dimitra;
Brusamento, Serena;
Knai, Cécile;
Saliba, Vanessa;
Turk, Eva;
Solé, Meritxell;
Augustin, Uta;
Car, Josip;
McKee, Martin;
+1 more...
Busse, Reinhard;
Clinical guidelines in the European Union: mapping the regulatory basis, development, quality control, implementation and evaluation across member states.
Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 107 (2-3).
pp. 146-156.
ISSN 0168-8510
Full text not available from this repository.
Lim, Stephen S;
Vos, Theo;
Flaxman, Abraham D;
Danaei, Goodarz;
Shibuya, Kenji;
Adair-Rohani, Heather;
Amann, Markus;
Anderson, H Ross;
Andrews, Kathryn G;
Aryee, Martin;
+199 more...
Atkinson, Charles;
Bacchus, Loraine J;
Bahalim, Adil N;
Balakrishnan, Kalpana;
Balmes, John;
Barker-Collo, Suzanne;
Baxter, Amanda;
Bell, Michelle L;
Blore, Jed D;
Blyth, Fiona;
Bonner, Carissa;
Borges, Guilherme;
Bourne, Rupert;
Boussinesq, Michel;
Brauer, Michael;
Brooks, Peter;
Bruce, Nigel G;
Brunekreef, Bert;
Bryan-Hancock, Claire;
Bucello, Chiara;
Buchbinder, Rachelle;
Bull, Fiona;
Burnett, Richard T;
Byers, Tim E;
Calabria, Bianca;
Carapetis, Jonathan;
Carnahan, Emily;
Chafe, Zoe;
Charlson, Fiona;
Chen, Honglei;
Chen, Jian Shen;
Cheng, Andrew Tai-Ann;
Child, Jennifer Christine;
Cohen, Aaron;
Colson, K Ellicott;
Cowie, Benjamin C;
Darby, Sarah;
Darling, Susan;
Davis, Adrian;
Degenhardt, Louisa;
Dentener, Frank;
Des Jarlais, Don C;
Devries, Karen;
Dherani, Mukesh;
Ding, Eric L;
Dorsey, E Ray;
Driscoll, Tim;
Edmond, Karen;
Ali, Suad Eltahir;
Engell, Rebecca E;
Erwin, Patricia J;
Fahimi, Saman;
Falder, Gail;
Farzadfar, Farshad;
Ferrari, Alize;
Finucane, Mariel M;
Flaxman, Seth;
Fowkes, Francis Gerry R;
Freedman, Greg;
Freeman, Michael K;
Gakidou, Emmanuela;
Ghosh, Santu;
Giovannucci, Edward;
Gmel, Gerhard;
Graham, Kathryn;
Grainger, Rebecca;
Grant, Bridget;
Gunnell, David;
Gutierrez, Hialy R;
Hall, Wayne;
Hoek, Hans W;
Hogan, Anthony;
Hosgood, H Dean;
Hoy, Damian;
Hu, Howard;
Hubbell, Bryan J;
Hutchings, Sally J;
Ibeanusi, Sydney E;
Jacklyn, Gemma L;
Jasrasaria, Rashmi;
Jonas, Jost B;
Kan, Haidong;
Kanis, John A;
Kassebaum, Nicholas;
Kawakami, Norito;
Khang, Young-Ho;
Khatibzadeh, Shahab;
Khoo, Jon-Paul;
Kok, Cindy;
Laden, Francine;
Lalloo, Ratilal;
Lan, Qing;
Lathlean, Tim;
Leasher, Janet L;
Leigh, James;
Li, Yang;
Lin, John Kent;
Lipshultz, Steven E;
London, Stephanie;
Lozano, Rafael;
Lu, Yuan;
Mak, Joelle;
Malekzadeh, Reza;
Mallinger, Leslie;
Marcenes, Wagner;
March, Lyn;
Marks, Robin;
Martin, Randall;
McGale, Paul;
McGrath, John;
Mehta, Sumi;
Mensah, George A;
Merriman, Tony R;
Micha, Renata;
Michaud, Catherine;
Mishra, Vinod;
Mohd Hanafiah, Khayriyyah;
Mokdad, Ali A;
Morawska, Lidia;
Mozaffarian, Dariush;
Murphy, Tasha;
Naghavi, Mohsen;
Neal, Bruce;
Nelson, Paul K;
Nolla, Joan Miquel;
Norman, Rosana;
Olives, Casey;
Omer, Saad B;
Orchard, Jessica;
Osborne, Richard;
Ostro, Bart;
Page, Andrew;
Pandey, Kiran D;
Parry, Charles DH;
Passmore, Erin;
Patra, Jayadeep;
Pearce, Neil;
Pelizzari, Pamela M;
Petzold, Max;
Phillips, Michael R;
Pope, Dan;
Pope, C Arden;
Powles, John;
Rao, Mayuree;
Razavi, Homie;
Rehfuess, Eva A;
Rehm, Jürgen T;
Ritz, Beate;
Rivara, Frederick P;
Roberts, Thomas;
Robinson, Carolyn;
Rodriguez-Portales, Jose A;
Romieu, Isabelle;
Room, Robin;
Rosenfeld, Lisa C;
Roy, Ananya;
Rushton, Lesley;
Salomon, Joshua A;
Sampson, Uchechukwu;
Sanchez-Riera, Lidia;
Sanman, Ella;
Sapkota, Amir;
Seedat, Soraya;
Shi, Peilin;
Shield, Kevin;
Shivakoti, Rupak;
Singh, Gitanjali M;
Sleet, David A;
Smith, Emma;
Smith, Kirk R;
Stapelberg, Nicolas JC;
Steenland, Kyle;
Stöckl, Heidi;
Stovner, Lars Jacob;
Straif, Kurt;
Straney, Lahn;
Thurston, George D;
Tran, Jimmy H;
Van Dingenen, Rita;
van Donkelaar, Aaron;
Veerman, J Lennert;
Vijayakumar, Lakshmi;
Weintraub, Robert;
Weissman, Myrna M;
White, Richard A;
Whiteford, Harvey;
Wiersma, Steven T;
Wilkinson, James D;
Williams, Hywel C;
Williams, Warwick;
Wilson, Nicholas;
Woolf, Anthony D;
Yip, Paul;
Zielinski, Jan M;
Lopez, Alan D;
Murray, Christopher JL;
Ezzati, Majid;
AlMazroa, Mohammad A;
Memish, Ziad A;
A comparative risk assessment of burden of disease and injury attributable to 67 risk factors and risk factor clusters in 21 regions, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.
Lancet, 380 (9859).
pp. 2224-2260.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Mangham, Lindsay J;
Cundill, Bonnie;
Achonduh, Olivia A;
Ambebila, Joel N;
Lele, Albertine K;
Metoh, Theresia N;
Ndive, Sarah N;
Ndong, Ignatius C;
Nguela, Rachel L;
Nji, Akindeh M;
+4 more...
Orang-Ojong, Barnabas;
Wiseman, Virginia;
Pamen-Ngako, Joelle;
Mbacham, Wilfred F;
Malaria prevalence and treatment of febrile patients at health facilities and medicine retailers in Cameroon.
Tropical medicine & international health, 17 (3).
pp. 330-342.
ISSN 1360-2276
Full text not available from this repository.
McIver, Edward G;
Bryans, Justin;
Birchall, Kristian;
Chugh, Jasveen;
Drake, Thomas;
Lewis, Stephen J;
Osborne, Joanne;
Smiljanic-Hurley, Ela;
Tsang, William;
Kamal, Ahmad;
+6 more...
Levy, Alison;
Newman, Michelle;
Taylor, Debra;
Arthur, J Simon C;
Clark, Kristopher;
Cohen, Philip;
Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of a novel series of pyrimidines as potent inhibitors of TBK1/IKKε kinases.
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 22 (23).
pp. 7169-7173.
ISSN 0960-894X
Full text not available from this repository.
Oner, Ahmet Faik;
Dogan, Nazim;
Gasimov, Viktor;
Adisasmito, Wiku;
Coker, Richard;
Chan, Paul KS;
Lee, Nelson;
Tsang, Owen;
Hanshaoworakul, Wanna;
Zaman, Mukhtiar;
+4 more...
Bamgboye, Ebun;
Swenson, Anna;
Toovey, Stephen;
Dreyer, Nancy A;
H5N1 avian influenza in children.
Clinical infectious diseases, 55 (1).
pp. 26-32.
ISSN 1058-4838
Full text not available from this repository.
Patouillard, E;
Palafox, B;
Tougher, S;
Goodman, C;
Hanson, K;
Sochea, P;
O’Connell, K;
, TheActwatchStudyGroup;
ACTwatch 2009 Supply Chain Survey Results, Cambodia.
Technical Report.
ACTwatch project, Population Services International, Nairobi.
Full text not available from this repository.
Pereira, Susan M;
Barreto, Mauricio L;
Pilger, Daniel;
Cruz, Alvaro A;
Sant'Anna, Clemax;
Hijjar, Miguel A;
Ichihara, Maria Y;
Santos, Andreia C;
Genser, Bernd;
Rodrigues, Laura C;
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of first BCG vaccination against tuberculosis in school-age children without previous tuberculin test (BCG-REVAC trial): a cluster-randomised trial.
The Lancet infectious diseases, 12 (4).
pp. 300-306.
ISSN 1473-3099
Full text not available from this repository.
Prudden, H;
Foss, A;
Mitchell, K;
Pickles, M;
Ramesh, B;
Washington, R;
Phillips, A;
Isac, S;
Rajaram, S;
Lorway, R;
+7 more...
Bradley, J;
Moses, S;
Alary, M;
Boily, M.-, C;
Watts, C;
Lowndes, C;
Vickerman, P;
Using mathematical modelling to improve our understanding of the HIV prevalence among the 'hidden' population of men who have sex with men (MSM) in southern India: Implications for HIV programming.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Seeley, Janet;
Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica;
Kamali, Anatoli;
Mpendo, Juliet;
Asiki, Gershim;
Abaasa, Andrew;
De Bont, Jan;
Nielsen, Leslie;
Kaleebu, Pontiano;
CHIVTUM Study Team;
High HIV incidence and socio-behavioral risk patterns in fishing communities on the shores of Lake Victoria, Uganda.
Sexually transmitted diseases, 39 (6).
pp. 433-439.
ISSN 0148-5717
Full text not available from this repository.
Sheikh, K;
Rajkumari, B;
Jain, K;
Rao, K;
Patanwar, P;
Gupta, G;
Antony, KR;
Sundararaman, T;
Location and vocation: why some government doctors stay on in rural Chhattisgarh, India.
International Health, 4 (3).
pp. 192-199.
Full text not available from this repository.
Sinha, Anushua;
Kim, Soyeon;
Ginsberg, Gary;
Franklin, Heather;
Kohberger, Robert;
Strutton, David;
Madhi, Shabir A;
Griffiths, Ulla K;
Klugman, Keith P;
Economic burden of acute lower respiratory tract infection in South African children.
Paediatrics and international child health, 32 (2).
pp. 65-73.
ISSN 2046-9047
Full text not available from this repository.
Stoeckl, H;
Watts, C;
Risk factors for intimate partner violence.
Clements, P;
Pierce-Weeks, J;
Holt, KE;
Giardino, A;
Seedat, S;
Mortiere, C, (eds.)
Intimate Partner Violence.
STM Learning, Inc.
Full text not available from this repository.
Stöckl, D;
Döring, A;
Peters, A;
Thorand, B;
Heier, M;
Huth, C;
Stöckl, H;
Rathmann, W;
Kowall, B;
Meisinger, C;
Age at menarche is associated with prediabetes and diabetes in women (aged 32-81 years) from the general population: the KORA F4 Study.
Diabetologia, 55 (3).
pp. 681-688.
ISSN 0012-186X
Full text not available from this repository.
Tougher, Sarah;
ACTwatch Group;
Ye, Yazoume;
Amuasi, John H;
Kourgueni, Idrissa A;
Thomson, Rebecca;
Goodman, Catherine;
Mann, Andrea G;
Ren, Ruilin;
Willey, Barbara A;
+20 more...
Adegoke, Catherine A;
Amin, Abdinasir;
Ansong, Daniel;
Bruxvoort, Katia;
Diallo, Diadier A;
Diap, Graciela;
Festo, Charles;
Johanes, Boniface;
Juma, Elizabeth;
Kalolella, Admirabilis;
Malam, Oumarou;
Mberu, Blessing;
Ndiaye, Salif;
Nguah, Samuel B;
Seydou, Moctar;
Taylor, Mark;
Rueda, Sergio Torres;
Wamukoya, Marilyn;
Arnold, Fred;
Hanson, Kara;
Effect of the Affordable Medicines Facility--malaria (AMFm) on the availability, price, and market share of quality-assured artemisinin-based combination therapies in seven countries: a before-and-after analysis of outlet survey data.
Lancet, 380 (9857).
pp. 1916-1926.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Vickerman, Peter;
Grebely, Jason;
Dore, Gregory J;
Sacks-Davis, Rachel;
Page, Kimberly;
Thomas, David L;
Osburn, William O;
Cox, Andrea L;
Aitken, Campbell K;
Hickman, Matthew;
+2 more...
Hellard, Margaret;
International Collaboration of Incident HIV and Hepatitis C in I;
The more you look, the more you find: effects of hepatitis C virus testing interval on reinfection incidence and clearance and implications for future vaccine study design.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 205 (9).
pp. 1342-1350.
ISSN 0022-1899
Full text not available from this repository.
Abramsky, Tanya;
Devries, Karen;
Kiss, Ligia;
Francisco, Leilani;
Nakuti, Janet;
Musuya, Tina;
Kyegombe, Nambusi;
Starmann, Elizabeth;
Kaye, Dan;
Michau, Lori;
+1 more...
Watts, Charlotte;
A community mobilisation intervention to prevent violence against women and reduce HIV/AIDS risk in Kampala, Uganda (the SASA! Study): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial.
Trials, 13 (1).
ISSN 1745-6215
Allen, T;
Parker, M;
Conflicts and Compromises? Experiences of Doing Anthropology at the Interface of Public Policy.
Fardon, R;
Harris, O;
Marchand, THJ;
Shore, C;
Strang, V;
Wilson, R;
Nuttall, M, (eds.)
The SAGE Handbook of Social Anthropology.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, pp. 168-182.
ISBN 9781473971592
Amfm Independent Evaluation Team: Hanson, K;
Goodman, C;
Tougher, S;
Mann, A;
Willey, B;
Arnold, F;
Ye, Y;
Ren, R;
Yoder, S;
Independent Evaluation of Phase 1 of the Affordable Medicines Facility - malaria (AMFm), Multi-Country Independent Evaluation Final Report.
Technical Report.
ICF International and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Calverton, Maryland and London.
Beattie, T;
Bhattacharjee, P;
Chandrashekar, S;
Mohan, H L;
Suresh, M;
Rao, D;
Isac, S;
Prakash, R;
Vickerman, P;
Heise, L;
+3 more...
Ramesh, B M;
Moses, S;
Watts, C;
Community mobilisation and empowerment of female sex workers is significantly associated with reduced HIV/STI risk in Karnataka state, south India.
In: AIDS 2012, 22-27 July 2012, Washington, DC.
Beattie, Tara SH;
Bhattacharjee, Parinita;
Suresh, M;
Isac, Shajy;
Ramesh, BM;
Moses, Stephen;
Personal, interpersonal and structural challenges to accessing HIV testing, treatment and care services among female sex workers, men who have sex with men and transgenders in Karnataka state, South India.
Journal of epidemiology and community health, 66 Sup (Suppl ).
ISSN 0143-005X
Bosch-Capblanch, Xavier;
Lavis, John N;
Lewin, Simon;
Atun, Rifat;
Røttingen, John-Arne;
Dröschel, Daniel;
Beck, Lise;
Abalos, Edgardo;
El-Jardali, Fadi;
Gilson, Lucy;
+6 more...
Oliver, Sandy;
Wyss, Kaspar;
Tugwell, Peter;
Kulier, Regina;
Pang, Tikki;
Haines, Andy;
Guidance for evidence-informed policies about health systems: rationale for and challenges of guidance development.
PLoS medicine, 9 (3).
ISSN 1549-1277
Bourke, Claire D;
Nausch, Norman;
Rujeni, Nadine;
Appleby, Laura J;
Mitchell, Kate M;
Midzi, Nicholas;
Mduluza, Takafira;
Mutapi, Francisca;
Integrated analysis of innate, Th1, Th2, Th17, and regulatory cytokines identifies changes in immune polarisation following treatment of human schistosomiasis.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 208 (1).
pp. 159-169.
ISSN 0022-1899
Burchett, HED;
Mounier-Jack, S;
Griffiths, UK;
Biellik, R;
Ongolo-Zogo, P;
Chavez, E;
Sarma, H;
Uddin, J;
Konate, M;
Kitaw, Y;
+4 more...
Molla, M;
Wakasiaka, S;
Gilson, L;
Mills, A;
New vaccine adoption: qualitative study of national decision-making processes in seven low- and middle-income countries.
Health policy and planning, 27 Sup (suppl ).
ISSN 0268-1080
Edmond, Karen;
Scott, Susana;
Korczak, Viola;
Ward, Catherine;
Sanderson, Colin;
Theodoratou, Evropi;
Clark, Andrew;
Griffiths, Ulla;
Rudan, Igor;
Campbell, Harry;
Long term sequelae from childhood pneumonia; systematic review and meta-analysis.
PloS one, 7 (2).
ISSN 1932-6203
Field, Nigel;
Tanton, Clare;
Mercer, Catherine H;
Nicholson, Soazig;
Soldan, Kate;
Beddows, Simon;
Ison, Catherine;
Johnson, Anne M;
Sonnenberg, Pam;
Testing for sexually transmitted infections in a population-based sexual health survey: development of an acceptable ethical approach.
Journal of medical ethics, 38 (6).
pp. 380-382.
ISSN 0306-6800
Francis, Suzanna C;
Lees, Shelley S;
Andrew, Bahati;
Zalwango, Flavia;
Vandepitte, Judith;
Ao, Trong;
Baisley, Kathy;
Kapiga, Saidi;
Grosskurth, Heiner;
Hayes, Richard;
Vaginal practices diary: development of a pictorial data collection tool for sensitive behavioral data.
Sexually transmitted diseases, 39 (8).
pp. 614-621.
ISSN 0148-5717
Hanvoravongchai, Piya;
Chavez, Irwin;
Rudge, James W;
Touch, Sok;
Putthasri, Weerasak;
Chau, Pham Ngoc;
Phommasack, Bounlay;
Singhasivanon, Pratap;
Coker, Richard;
AsiaFluCap Project Consortium;
An analysis of health system resources in relation to pandemic response capacity in the Greater Mekong Subregion.
International journal of health geographics, 11 (1).
ISSN 1476-072X
Khatib, Rashid A;
Skarbinski, Jacek;
Njau, Joseph D;
Goodman, Catherine A;
Elling, Berty F;
Kahigwa, Elizeus;
Roberts, Jacquelin M;
MacArthur, John R;
Gutman, Julie R;
Kabanywanyi, Abdunoor M;
+11 more...
Smith, Ernest E;
Somi, Masha F;
Lyimo, Thomas;
Mwita, Alex;
Genton, Blaise;
Tanner, Marcel;
Mills, Anne;
Mshinda, Hassan;
Bloland, Peter B;
Abdulla, Salim M;
Kachur, S Patrick;
Routine delivery of artemisinin-based combination treatment at fixed health facilities reduces malaria prevalence in Tanzania: an observational study.
Malaria journal, 11 (1).
ISSN 1475-2875
Kiefer, S;
Patouillard, E;
Palafox, B;
Tougher, S;
Mpasela, F;
Goodman, C;
Hanson, K;
O’Connell, K;
, TheActwatchGroup;
A Qualitative Assessment of the Private Sector Antimalarial Distribution Chain in Zambia, 2009.
Technical Report.
ACTwatch project, Population Services International, Nairobi.
Kranzer, Katharina;
Lawn, Stephen D;
Meyer-Rath, Gesine;
Vassall, Anna;
Raditlhalo, Eudoxia;
Govindasamy, Darshini;
van Schaik, Nienke;
Wood, Robin;
Bekker, Linda-Gail;
Feasibility, yield, and cost of active tuberculosis case finding linked to a mobile HIV service in Cape Town, South Africa: a cross-sectional study.
PLoS medicine, 9 (8).
ISSN 1549-1277
Lavis, John N;
Røttingen, John-Arne;
Bosch-Capblanch, Xavier;
Atun, Rifat;
El-Jardali, Fadi;
Gilson, Lucy;
Lewin, Simon;
Oliver, Sandy;
Ongolo-Zogo, Pierre;
Haines, Andy;
Guidance for evidence-informed policies about health systems: linking guidance development to policy development.
PLoS medicine, 9 (3).
ISSN 1549-1277
Lawn, Joy E;
Kinney, Mary V;
Black, Robert E;
Pitt, Catherine;
Cousens, Simon;
Kerber, Kate;
Corbett, Erica;
Moran, Allisyn C;
Morrissey, Claudia S;
Oestergaard, Mikkel Z;
Newborn survival: a multi-country analysis of a decade of change.
Health policy and planning, 27 Sup (suppl_).
ISSN 0268-1080
Leslie, Toby;
Mikhail, Amy;
Mayan, Ismail;
Anwar, Mohammed;
Bakhtash, Sayed;
Nader, Mohammed;
Chandler, Clare;
Whitty, Christopher JM;
Rowland, Mark;
Overdiagnosis and mistreatment of malaria among febrile patients at primary healthcare level in Afghanistan: observational study.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 345 (jul24 ).
ISSN 0959-8138
Mabey, David C;
Sollis, Kimberly A;
Kelly, Helen A;
Benzaken, Adele S;
Bitarakwate, Edward;
Changalucha, John;
Chen, Xiang-Sheng;
Yin, Yue-Ping;
Garcia, Patricia J;
Strasser, Susan;
+5 more...
Chintu, Namwinga;
Pang, Tikki;
Terris-Prestholt, Fern;
Sweeney, Sedona;
Peeling, Rosanna W;
Point-of-care tests to strengthen health systems and save newborn lives: the case of syphilis.
PLoS medicine, 9 (6).
ISSN 1549-1277
MacPherson, Eleanor E;
Sadalaki, John;
Njoloma, Macdonald;
Nyongopa, Victoria;
Nkhwazi, Lawrence;
Mwapasa, Victor;
Lalloo, David G;
Desmond, Nicola;
Seeley, Janet;
Theobald, Sally;
Transactional sex and HIV: understanding the gendered structural drivers of HIV in fishing communities in Southern Malawi.
Journal of the International AIDS Society, 15 Sup (Suppl ).
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 1758-2652
Maini, R;
Naik, F;
Harrison, TG;
Mentasti, M;
Spala, G;
Velonakis, E;
Hadjichristodoulou, C;
de Jong, B;
Vatopoulos, A;
Phin, N;
Travel-associated Legionnaires disease in residents from England and Wales travelling to Corfu, Greece, August to October 2011.
Euro surveillance, 17 (32).
ISSN 1025-496X
McCreesh, Nicky;
Frost, Simon DW;
Seeley, Janet;
Katongole, Joseph;
Tarsh, Matilda N;
Ndunguse, Richard;
Jichi, Fatima;
Lunel, Natasha L;
Maher, Dermot;
Johnston, Lisa G;
+4 more...
Sonnenberg, Pam;
Copas, Andrew J;
Hayes, Richard J;
White, Richard G;
Evaluation of respondent-driven sampling.
Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass), 23 (1).
pp. 138-147.
ISSN 1044-3983
Mills, Anne;
Ataguba, John E;
Akazili, James;
Borghi, Jo;
Garshong, Bertha;
Makawia, Suzan;
Mtei, Gemini;
Harris, Bronwyn;
Macha, Jane;
Meheus, Filip;
+1 more...
McIntyre, Di;
Equity in financing and use of health care in Ghana, South Africa, and Tanzania: implications for paths to universal coverage.
Lancet, 380 (9837).
pp. 126-133.
ISSN 0140-6736
Nanchahal, Kiran;
Power, Tom;
Holdsworth, Elizabeth;
Hession, Michelle;
Sorhaindo, Annik;
Griffiths, Ulla;
Townsend, Joy;
Thorogood, Nicki;
Haslam, David;
Kessel, Anthony;
+3 more...
Ebrahim, Shah;
Kenward, Mike;
Haines, Andrew;
A pragmatic randomised controlled trial in primary care of the Camden Weight Loss (CAMWEL) programme.
BMJ open, 2 (3).
ISSN 2044-6055
Odutola, Aderonke;
Baisley, Kathy;
Hayes, Richard J;
Rusizoka, Mary;
Tanton, Clare;
Weiss, Helen A;
Changalucha, John;
Ross, David A;
Watson-Jones, Deborah;
Pregnancy and contraceptive use among women participating in an HIV prevention trial in Tanzania.
Sexually transmitted infections, 88 (6).
pp. 436-443.
ISSN 1368-4973
Palafox, B;
Kiefer, S;
Patouillard, E;
Tougher, S;
Goodman, C;
Hanson, K;
Buyungo, P;
O’Connell, K;
, ActwatchGroup;
A Qualitative Assessment of the Private Sector Antimalarial Distribution Chain in Uganda, 2009.
Technical Report.
ACTwatch project, Population Services International, Nairobi.
Palafox, B;
Kiefer, S;
Tougher, S;
Patouillard, E;
Arogundade, E;
Goodman, C;
Hanson, K;
O’Connell, K;
, TheActwatchGroup;
A Qualitative Assessment of the Private Sector Antimalarial Distribution Chain in Nigeria, 2009.
Technical Report.
ACTwatch project, Population Services International, Nairobi.
Palafox, B;
Patouillard, E;
Tougher, S;
Goodman, C;
Hanson, K;
Arogundade, E;
O’Connell, K;
, TheActwatchStudyGroup;
ACTwatch 2009 Supply Chain Survey Results, Nigeria.
Technical Report.
ACTwatch project, Population Services International, Nairobi.
Palafox, B;
Patouillard, E;
Tougher, S;
Goodman, C;
Hanson, K;
Buyungo, P;
O’Connell, K;
, TheActwatchStudyGroup;
ACTwatch 2009 Supply Chain Survey Results, Uganda.
Technical Report.
ACTwatch project, Population Services International, Nairobi.
Palafox, B;
Patouillard, E;
Tougher, S;
Goodman, C;
Hanson, K;
Mpasela, F;
O’Connell, K;
, TheActwatchStudyGroup;
ACTwatch 2009 Supply Chain Survey Results, Zambia.
Technical Report.
ACTwatch project, Population Services International, Nairobi.
Palafox, B;
Tougher, S;
Patouillard, E;
Goodman, C;
Hanson, K;
Akulayi Tshinungu, L;
O’Connell, K;
, ActwatchGroup;
A Qualitative Assessment of the Private Sector Antimalarial Distribution Chain in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2010.
Technical Report.
ACTwatch project, Population Services International, Nairobi.
Palafox, B;
Tougher, S;
Patouillard, E;
Goodman, C;
Hanson, K;
Akulayi Tshinungu, L;
O’Connell, K;
, TheActwatchStudyGroup;
ACTwatch 2009 Supply Chain Survey Results, DRC.
Technical Report.
ACTwatch project, Population Services International, Nairobi.
Palafox, B;
Tougher, S;
Patouillard, E;
Goodman, C;
Hanson, K;
Tassiba, M;
O’Connell, K;
, TheActwatchStudyGroup;
ACTwatch 2009 Supply Chain Survey Results, Benin.
Technical Report.
ACTwatch project, Population Services International, Nairobi.
Patouillard, E;
Palafox, B;
Tougher, S;
Goodman, C;
Hanson, K;
Sochea, P;
O’Connell, K;
, TheActwatchStudyGroup;
A Qualitative Assessment of the Private Sector Antimalarial Distribution Chain in Cambodia, 2009.
Technical Report.
ACTwatch project, Population Services International, Nairobi.
Pitt, Catherine;
Diawara, Halimatou;
Ouédraogo, Dimlawendé J;
Diarra, Samba;
Kaboré, Habibou;
Kouéla, Kibsbila;
Traoré, Abdoulaye;
Dicko, Alassane;
Konaté, Amadou T;
Chandramohan, Daniel;
+3 more...
Diallo, Diadier A;
Greenwood, Brian;
Conteh, Lesong;
Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in children: a qualitative study of community perceptions and recommendations in Burkina Faso and Mali.
PloS one, 7 (3).
ISSN 1932-6203
Prudden, H;
Dzialowy, N;
Foss, A;
Black, V;
Stoeckl, H;
Wallace, N;
Monfiston, P;
Zimmerman, C;
Watts, C;
Nyblade, L;
Stigma as a barrier to the elimination of vertical HIV transmission: model projections from an urban Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) programme in South Africa.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Prudden, HJ;
Mitchell, KM;
Phillips, AE;
Pickles, M;
Ramesh, BM;
Washington, R;
Isac, S;
Rajaram, S;
Bradley, J;
Lorway, R;
+7 more...
Alary, M;
Watts, CH;
Moses, S;
Vickerman, P;
Lowndes, CM;
Boily, C.-, H;
Foss, AM;
Do men who have sex with men (MSM) in southern India change their identity or sexual role behaviour over time? Implications for the HIV epidemic.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Quentin, Wilm;
Terris-Prestholt, Fern;
Changalucha, John;
Soteli, Selephina;
Edmunds, W John;
Hutubessy, Raymond;
Ross, David A;
Kapiga, Saidi;
Hayes, Richard;
Watson-Jones, Deborah;
Costs of delivering human papillomavirus vaccination to schoolgirls in Mwanza Region, Tanzania.
BMC medicine, 10 (1).
ISSN 1741-7015
Reynolds, Joanna;
Wood, Molly;
Mikhail, Amy;
Ahmad, Tamanna;
Karimullah, Karimullah;
Motahed, Mohibullah;
Hazansai, Anwar;
Baktash, Sayed Habib;
Anwari, Nadia;
Kizito, James;
+4 more...
Mayan, Ismail;
Rowland, Mark;
Chandler, Clare;
Leslie, Toby;
Malaria "diagnosis" and diagnostics in Afghanistan.
Qualitative health research, 23 (5).
pp. 579-591.
ISSN 1049-7323
Roddy, Paul;
Howard, Natasha;
Van Kerkhove, Maria D;
Lutwama, Julius;
Wamala, Joseph;
Yoti, Zabulon;
Colebunders, Robert;
Palma, Pedro Pablo;
Sterk, Esther;
Jeffs, Benjamin;
+2 more...
Van Herp, Michel;
Borchert, Matthias;
Clinical manifestations and case management of Ebola haemorrhagic fever caused by a newly identified virus strain, Bundibugyo, Uganda, 2007-2008.
PloS one, 7 (12).
ISSN 1932-6203
Rudge, James W;
Hanvoravongchai, Piya;
Krumkamp, Ralf;
Chavez, Irwin;
Adisasmito, Wiku;
Chau, Pham Ngoc;
Phommasak, Bounlay;
Putthasri, Weerasak;
Shih, Chin-Shui;
Stein, Mart;
+5 more...
Timen, Aura;
Touch, Sok;
Reintjes, Ralf;
Coker, Richard;
AsiaFluCap Project Consortium;
Health system resource gaps and associated mortality from pandemic influenza across six Asian territories.
PloS one, 7 (2).
ISSN 1932-6203
Scott, J Anthony G;
Bauni, Evasius;
Moisi, Jennifer C;
Ojal, John;
Gatakaa, Hellen;
Nyundo, Christopher;
Molyneux, Catherine S;
Kombe, Francis;
Tsofa, Benjamin;
Marsh, Kevin;
+2 more...
Peshu, Norbert;
Williams, Thomas N;
Profile: The Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System (KHDSS).
International journal of epidemiology, 41 (3).
pp. 650-657.
ISSN 0300-5771
Solomon, Anthony W;
Mabey, David CW;
Gilbert, Clare;
Griffiths, Ulla;
Mills, Anne;
Foster, Allen;
West, Sheila K;
Courtright, Paul;
Feczko, Joseph;
Feczko, Joseph;
+9 more...
Alemayehu, Wondu;
Cross, Catherine;
Lietman, Thomas M;
Haddad, Danny;
Harper, Caroline;
Emerson, Paul;
Le Mesurier, Richard;
Engels, Dirk;
Mariotti, Silvio P;
Don't let misinformation derail the trachoma elimination programme.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 344 (apr10 ).
ISSN 0959-8138
Ssemwanga, Deogratius;
Ndembi, Nicaise;
Lyagoba, Fred;
Bukenya, Justine;
Seeley, Janet;
Vandepitte, Judith;
Grosskurth, Heiner;
Kaleebu, Pontiano;
HIV type 1 subtype distribution, multiple infections, sexual networks, and partnership histories in female sex workers in Kampala, Uganda.
AIDS research and human retroviruses, 28 (4).
pp. 357-365.
ISSN 0889-2229
Stein, Mart Lambertus;
Rudge, James W;
Coker, Richard;
van der Weijden, Charlie;
Krumkamp, Ralf;
Hanvoravongchai, Piya;
Chavez, Irwin;
Putthasri, Weerasak;
Phommasack, Bounlay;
Adisasmito, Wiku;
+5 more...
Touch, Sok;
Sat, Le Minh;
Hsu, Yu-Chen;
Kretzschmar, Mirjam;
Timen, Aura;
Development of a resource modelling tool to support decision makers in pandemic influenza preparedness: The AsiaFluCap Simulator.
ISSN 1471-2458
Tol, Wietse A;
Patel, Vikram;
Tomlinson, Mark;
Baingana, Florence;
Galappatti, Ananda;
Silove, Derrick;
Sondorp, Egbert;
van Ommeren, Mark;
Wessells, Michael G;
Panter-Brick, Catherine;
Relevance or excellence? Setting research priorities for mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings.
Harvard review of psychiatry, 20 (1).
pp. 25-36.
ISSN 1067-3229
Torres Rueda, S;
Patouillard, E;
Palafox, B;
Tougher, S;
Goodman, C;
Hanson, K;
Raharinjatovo, J;
O’Connell, K;
, ActwatchStudyGroup;
The private commercial sector distribution chain for antimalarial drugs in Madagascar: Findings from a rapid assessment.
Technical Report.
ACTwatch project, Population Services International, Nairobi.
Torres Rueda, S;
Tougher, S;
Palafox, B;
Patouillard, E;
Goodman, C;
Hanson, K;
Tassiba, M;
O’Connell, K;
, ActwatchGroup;
A Qualitative Assessment of the Private Sector Antimalarial Distribution Chain in Benin, 2009.
Technical Report.
ACTwatch project, Population Services International, Nairobi.
Warren, Charlotte E;
Mayhew, Susannah H;
Vassall, Anna;
Kimani, James Kelly;
Church, Kathryn;
Obure, Carol Dayo;
du-Preez, Natalie Friend;
Abuya, Timothy;
Mutemwa, Richard;
Colombini, Manuela;
+3 more...
Birdthistle, Isolde;
Askew, Ian;
Watts, Charlotte;
Study protocol for the Integra Initiative to assess the benefits and costs of integrating sexual and reproductive health and HIV services in Kenya and Swaziland.
BMC public health, 12 (1).
ISSN 1471-2458
Wiseman, Virginia;
Ogochukwu, Ezeoke;
Emmanuel, Nwala;
Lindsay J, Mangham;
Bonnie, Cundill;
Jane, Enemuo;
Eloka, Uchegbu;
Benjamin, Uzochukwu;
Obinna, Onwujekwe;
A cost-effectiveness analysis of provider and community interventions to improve the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in Nigeria: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Trials, 13 (1).
ISSN 1745-6215
Zachary, Dalila;
Mwenge, Lawrence;
Muyoyeta, Monde;
Shanaube, Kwame;
Schaap, Albertus;
Bond, Virginia;
Kosloff, Barry;
de Haas, Petra;
Ayles, Helen;
Field comparison of OraQuick ADVANCE Rapid HIV-1/2 antibody test and two blood-based rapid HIV antibody tests in Zambia.
BMC infectious diseases, 12 (1).
ISSN 1471-2334
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